the creator Adharmazd created (afrido) the angels of the spiritual and worldly creations, and all the other creatures and creations through the power and mightiness, the wisdom and sagacity of innate wisdom; and I produce 1 and he maintains and stimulates them. 6. And at the end of the renovation of the universe it is possible to cause the annihilation and destruction of Aharman and his miscreations more fully by the power of wisdom; (7) and Sôshâns 2, with Kai-Khûsrôi ?, and those who cause the resurrection and future existence are able to act more fully, by means of the power and help of wisdom.
8. “The knowledge and sagacity of the worldly existence, the learning and teaching in 3 every profession, and all advancement of temporal beings 4 are through wisdom. 9. The souls of the righteous, in escaping from hell 6 and coming to heaven and the supreme heaven (garôdmân), arrive much better by means of the power and protection of wisdom. 10. And it is possible to seek the good living, pleasure, good repute, and every happiness of people in the worldly existence, through the power of wisdom.
11. 'And the maintenance of the seeds of men
So in K43, but Nêr. 'has taken this verb in the third person, in place of the nearly synonymous âfrîdo, so as to state that the creator created, maintains, and stimulates the angels' and all other existences through the power of innate wisdom. The object of the Pahlavi text, however, seems to be to emphasize the fact that the creation was specially due to the innate wisdom of the creator, while its maintenance is dependent on all his powers and attributes. ? See Chaps. II, 95, XXVII, 63.
8L19 has of.' * L19 has times.' • That is, in escaping from the risk of being sent to hell. • L19 omits and coming.'
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