Padashkhvârgarunto the beginning of Dagako ?, such as Frâsiyâks had taken, by treaty (padmâno)* he seized back from Frâsiyâk, and brought it into the possession of the countries of Irân. And as to the enlargement of the sea of Kânsât®, such as Frâsiyâk supplied, he also expelled the water from it.
45. ‘And the advantage from Kai-Kavad o was
uncles, in revenge for Aîrîk, and kept them back from disturbing the world.
1 The mountainous region in Taparistân and Gîlân, .south of the Caspian (see Bd. XII, 17).
3 L19 has hell.' This Dügako may possibly be meant for the Dusakô of Vend. I, 34, of which Vaêkereta was the chief settlement, and this latter is identified with Kâvûl (Kâbul) by the Pahlavi translators. The name can also be read Gangako, which might be identified with Canzaca, but this would not correspond so well with the legend, alluded to in the text, which relates how Mânûskîhar, having shut himself up in the impregnable fortress of Âmul in Taparistân, could not be conquered by Frâsiyâk, who was compelled to come to terms, whereby all the country within an arrow-shot east of Mount Dimâvand should remain subject to Mânûskîhar. The arrow was shot and kept on its flight from dawn till noon, when it fell on the bank of the Oxus, which river was thenceforward considered the frontier of the Irânians. This frontier would fully include all the territory between Taparistan and Kâbul mentioned in the text. In Bd. XXXI, 21 the success of Mânûskîbar is attributed to some dispute between Frâsîyâk and his brother, Aghrêrad. 3 See Chap. VIII, 29 n.
L19 has such as was made the portion (padmână) of Frâsîyâk.
o Called Kyânsîh in Bd. XIII, 16, XX, 34, where it is stated that it was formerly fresh, but latterly salt, and that Frâsîyâk diverted many rivers and streams into it. It is the brackish lake and swamp now called Hâmûn, 'the desert,' or Zarah, the sea,' in Sîstân. In the Avesta it is called Kõsu, and the future apostles of the Mazda-worshipping faith are expected to be born on its shores.
6 Av. Kavi Kavata, the Kaî-Qubâd of the Shâhnâmah. He
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