Jaina Biology
with the electrons and with hydrogen ions to form a molecule of water... ... Electrons are removed from a molecule of some food-stuff and transferred (by the action of a specific enzyme ) to some primary acceptor."29
The Dynamic State of Paryāpti (Vital force ) Paryāpti (vital force ) is in a constant state of flux as it provides energy in the metabolic process of organisms. The body30 of a plant or animal appears to be changing as days and weeks go by. It may be inferred from this that the cells of the body, and the component molecules of the cells are equally changing. This view is supported by modern Biology which explains that “protoplasm is in a constant state of flux. Labeled amino acids are rapidly incorporated into body proteins and labeled fatty acids are rapidly incorporated into fat deposits, even though there is no increase in the total amount of protein or fat. The proteins and fats of the body - even the substance of the bones-are constantly and rapidly being synthesized and broken down. In the adult the rates of synthesis and of degradation are essentially equal so that there is little or no change in the total mass of the body. Thus the distinction between “machinery” molecules and “fuel" molecules becomes less sharp, for some of the machinery molecules are constantly being broken down and used as fuel.”31
Special Types of Metabolism In addition to the general metabolic activities Jaina Biology, throws some light upon special metabolic activities of certain animals and plants. Green plants32 can photosynthesize; certain bacteria33 and animals34 can 29. Biology, p. 62. 30. eg. man and plant
“ Tathā, yathedam manuşyasayiramanavaratam balakumarayuvadyavasthavige saih pra tiniyatan vardhate, tathedamapi vanaspatisariramarkurakisalayasakh āpraśā. khadibhirviseşaiḥ pratiniyatam vardhata iti /” Tarkarahasyadipika p. 157. “ Tatha, yathā manuşyaśarīrasoa rasāyanasnebädyupayogadvisist kāntirasābalopacayādi, tathā vanaspatisarirasyāpi visistana bhojalādisekād visistarasaviryapniog
dhātvādi / ” Ibid., p. 139. 31. Biology, p. 76. 32. Bhagavati Sūtra, 7.3.275-6. 33. “Badarasyodyotena sahitasya " (one sensed-bacteria, earth-bacteria, water-bacteria
and plant-bacteria emit cold light ), karma grantha (6th), p. 186; Two-sensed
worm (kmis-protozoa emits cold light) Uttaradhyayana Sūtra, 30.128; TS. II 24. 34. "Anusiņa payasa rúvam, jiange mujjoae ihujjboa, jai devuttara vikkia, joisa
khajjoa maiva", 46, Karmagrantha I, p. 85; Nūpuraka (Annelida) TS. II. 24; Gandūpada (Crustaceans ). Ibid.; SatapadỊ Centipeds), Ibid.; Sarkha ( Molluscs ) Ibid.; Khadyota (Glow worm ), Tarkarahasyadipika, p. 156. “Yathā rātrau khadyotakasya dehapariņāmo/sivaprayoganirvęttaśaktirāviệcakāsti/" Ibid.
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