The Organisation of the Human Body
articulation of the humerus to the scapula111 or the femur112 to the hip bone, 112a etc.
As pointed out, according to Jajna Biology, there are stated to be one hundred sixty joints (sandhis ).114 Visuddhimagga mentions one hundred and eighty joints, while Sušrutal15 refers to two hundred and ten joints. Jaina Biology speaks of some major joints like Visuddhimagga, 116 such as, shoulder joints, 117 arm-joints, 118 and nail joints, 119 etc.
Types of Locomotion :
The Jaina classification of animals into egakhurā (Solidungular), dukhurā (Biungular ), Gandipadā, ( Multiungular) and Saņapphadā (animals having toes with nails, such as, lions, tigers, etc. )120 reveals that animals differ as to the part of the foot they put on the ground in walking and running. Man walks flat on the palm of the foot "a type of locomotion adapted by bear also.121 It may be called “Plantigrade."122 Some animals, such as, dogs (Sunagā) and cats. (Vidāla), i.e. Sanapphadā, have became adapted to running on their digits, "a type of locomotion called digitigrade."124 Some animals, such as, horses and deer (assa and miya ),125 i. e. hoofed animals egakhurā and dukhurā, walk and run upon the tips of one or two digits of each limb, "a type of locomotion called "unguligrade."126
111. Aísalagabāhulaga ...samdhisarghāyasamdhiyamiņam”, Ibid., 17, p. 38. 112. “Uru.....samghāyasamdhiyamiņam", Ibid., Jamghathi ürupaitthiya .... 112a "Tatthiya Kadipitthi" Ibid., p. 41. 113. Ibid., 16, p. 35 ; "Imammi sarire sathi samdhisayam". 114. VM, VI. 45. 115. Susruta III. 5.6. 116. VM. VI. 45 mentions 14 major joints - shoulder joiots 2, elbow joints-2, wrist
joints-2, hip-joints, 2, Knee-joints two, ankle joints - 2, Crancovertebral joint-1
sacro-illiac joint 1. 117. "Amşalaga bahulaga anguliamgutthagannhasa mdhisamghāyasamdhiyamiņam/"
Tandula Veyaliya, i7, p. 38. 120. Pannavanā, 1.70 121. Biology. p. 343 122. Ibid. p. 343 123. Pannavanā, 1-70, 74. 124. Biology, p. 343 1.5. Paņnavanā, l. 71-72. 126. Biology. p. 343
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