Book Title: Jaina Biology
Author(s): J C Sikdar
Publisher: L D Indology Ahmedabad

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Page 240
________________ Human reproduction,1 in common with that of most animals, is accomplished sexually by the union of specialized gametes - ova or eggs produced by the female and sperm produced by the male 2 A man and a woman combine in cohabitation in a cunnus (Jonie) and there they deposit their humours (sineham). Therein are born the souls of different men.3 That is to say, "all the parts of the complicated reproductive system in both sexes, as well as the various physiologic and psychologic phenomena associated with sex, have just one purpose to insure the successful union of the egg and sperm, and the subsequent development of the fertilized egg into a new individual." The Male Reproductive organs : The testis (vasana) discussed previously as an endocrine gland, performs an equally important function as the source of the male sex cells.5 Jaina Biology refers to sperm duct or seminal vesicle (śukradha rinistra), penis (upastha ),7 sperm or semen (Sukka )8 etc. But like modern Biology it does not go into the detailed descriptions of the male reproductive or gans-scrotal sac, testes, seminiferous or testicular tubules, vas efferens, epididymis, vas deferens (sperm duct), seminal (Second Section) HUMAN REPRODUCTION. 1. Kosayaram jonim sampatta sukkamisiya jaiya taiya Jivuvaväe jugga bhaniya bhaniya jinimdehim", Tandula Veyaliya. p. 3. Ibid. 2. "Pamcahim thāṇehimitth! purisena saddhim asaṁvasamāṇīvi gabbham dharejjā, tam-itthi duvvippayadā dunn sanna sukka oggale adhithijja, sukkapoggalasamsatthe va se vatthe amto onie anupavesejja 2 sayam va se sukkapoggaleanuravesejja 3 paro va se sukkapoggale anupavesejja 4 siodagaviyaḍe na va se ayamamanie sukkapoggle anupave、ejjā 5 iccetehim pamcajāvadharejjā /", Sūtrakṛtänga II. 3, 56 Sthananga Sutra, pamcamosthāna 3. Sūtrakṛtanga II. 3. 56 "Tesim ca nam ahābieņam ahāvaga seņam itthie purisassa ya kammakaḍāc jonie ettha nam chunavattiyae (va) namaṁ samjoge samuppajjai duhaovi sineham samcinamti tattha nam Jiva itthittae purisattae napumsagattae viuttamti /" 4. Biology, p. 421. 5. Biology, p, 421. 6. Tandula Veyaliya p. 16, p. 35. 7. Tandula Veyaliya, p. 38, 8. Tandula Veyaliya, p, 3, Jain Education International For Private & Personal Use Only


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