The World of life: Plants
Uppala (Utpala ), Pauma (Padma ), Kumuya (Kumuda ), Nalina,35 Subhaga, Sogaindhiya, Pondariya (Pundarika ), Mahāpondariya ( Mahāpundarika ). Sayavatta (Satapatra ), Sabassavatta (Sahasrapatra), Kalbāra, Kakanada, Aravinda and Tāmarasa, 36 as stalks and fibres of lotus, as Pukkhala,37 and Pukkhalatthibhaga.38
This brief account of plant reproduction as given in the Jaina texts shows that there takes place only asexual reproduction in all types of plants according to Jaina Biology. One soul pervades the whole tree, it is the soul of the tree. Separate jivas ( beings or bacteria ), however, reside in its roots, bulbs, stem, bark, branches, twigs, leaves, flowers, fruits and seeds.39
The Bhagavati Sūtra40 refers to ten instincts including maithuna (sexual union) of all beings - one-sensed to five-sensed beings. It is stated that Kuravaka trees bear fruits after embracing a female part of it. This may be interpreted as the sexual union of this tree.41 It is suggestive from this evidence that sexual reproduction also may take place in plant life. But according to Jaina Biology, there is no clear reference to sexual reproduction in plants, which involves the cooperation of two parents, each of which supplies one gamete and two gametes unite to form zygote. Very vague ideas are contained in other Indian works 42 as to the sexual reproduction of plants.
35. The last four are well-known varieties of lotus, called in Sanskrit : Utpala,
Padma, Kumuda, Nalina, Ibid., p. 392. 36. The Sanskrit of the last seven items is : Puņdarika, Mahāpundarika, satapatra,
Sahasrapatra, Kahlāra, Kokanada and Tāmarasa; they are all varieties of lotus.
Ibid., p. 392. 37. Puşkara, Ibid. 38. Sūtrakệtānga 11, 3.5, p. 93. 39. “Yo hi ekah vanaspatijivaḥ sarvavękşāvayavavyäsi bhavati, tasya Capare
tadavayaveņu mulakandaskandhatvaksakh pravālapatrapusphalabījabhūteşu daśaşu
sthāneșu jivāḥ samutpadyante /” Sūtrakstānga II, 3.55 ( Comm. ), p. 96. 40. " Ahārabhay apariggahamehuņa taha koha māņa māyä сa / Lobho logo oho sannā
dasa savvajivāņam", Lokaprakasa 3.447; " ābārasannā to ohasanpa ", Bhagavati
Sutra, 7.8.29. 41. "Itthiparirambhanena Kurubagataruno phalamti, mehunai", Lokaprakaśa, 3.449.
There takes place sexual union in Asoka tree also. 42. "Sirinām sumanasām puspaṁ prasūnam samam", Amara, Vanauçadhivarga,
Brhatphalasvetapuspaih 1,(pumān, Holarrhena antidysenterica), Caraka (Drdhvala), V Syavāruņānupuspi stri- sitakūtaja, Wrightia tinctoria, Ibid. V," Anupadi prathamo vargah stripumnapřsa katvena traividhyam sthavaresvapi", Rajnanighantu, vide Positive Sciences of the Ancient Hindus, p. 175.
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