Book Title: Jaina Biology
Author(s): J C Sikdar
Publisher: L D Indology Ahmedabad

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Page 149
________________ 138 Jaina Bioogy ( chameleons ). 109 (2) Kūrmas and Nakras ( tortoises and Crocodiles - Chelonia and Emydosauria, Reptitia). (3) Siśumāras 110, the Dolphinidae (Odontoceta cetacea ). Siśumāra, is not ovipārous as mentioned in Jaina Biology. It does not name Karkata (Crabs - crustacea ), but it is mentioned in Susruta. The subclass of Bhujagas of Jaina Biology, being a natural sub-division of the Vertebrates, does not comprise crustacea which are rightly placed under the category of the Invertebrates and (d) Lomapakşa Paksins111 (winged animals with feathery wings, i. e. birds proper), while Carmapaksa Paksin 112 ( winged animals with leather wings ), though they have been placed under the category of birds in both Jajna and Brāhmanical Biologies113 on the homologous basis, belong to the Placentalia of the Deciduata class (Potaja ). II. Jarāyujas and Potajas 114 ( Viviparous, lit. placentalia ) as classified in both the Biological sciences are placed on the same basis of mode of reproduction. They are as follows: (a) Carmapaksa, paksins (leather-winged animals, which are Potaja - Deciduata ), viz. Valguli (flying-fox), Pakși-virāla (flying cat, Microchiroptera ), Bhāranda paksin-a species of Micro-chiroptera ), the horseshoe bat?) and Jalūkā (blood-sucking bat or Vampire bat ? )115 (b) Vileśaya Jarāyujas 116 ( mammals that live in holes of burrows, including various species of Rodents and Insectivora, such as Mūsika, (mice ), etc. 109. Tattvārthadhigama Sūtrā II. 34. Sugruta mentions four varieties of the Kanava (bhaka), a species of Chemeleonlike lizards, (cf. Lādyāyana, quoted by Dalvana, Kalpasthāna, Chapter VIII, six varieties of Galagolika (a species of lizards), and five varieties of Gaudhera ka Varanus-like lizards, but smaller in size, vide the Positive Sciences of the Ancient Hindus, p.196. "Kāuṇdiiyakah Kanabhako etc. Kalpasthāna, VIII", Galagolyastu ...., sarsapiketyevam. Ibid, 1/' "Gaudherakah sthāiikā (Ibid. 21) 110. Tattvärthadhigama Sūtra II. 34. 11. Paņņavaņā Sūtra, 1,86, ; Tattvarthadhigama Sutra II. 34. 112. Ibid. 113. Tattvärthadhigama Sutra lI. 34. ; Prasasta padabhāşya (Paksisarisrpäna rändajam) Přthivinirūpaņam. 114. Tattvārthadhigama Sutra II. 34. ; Carmapakşānām ca paksaņām Jaluka-Valguli - Bhāraṇda Pakșiviralādināṁ garbhe janmaḥ/" 115. Ibid. 116. Vilesaya class of animals is included into the group of Jangala animals. See Su sruta, Sūtrasthāna, Chap. XXVII. Jain Education International For Private & Personal Use Only


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