Jaina Biology
that “the lungs (Papphäsan) are located inside the body between the two breasts, hanging over the heart and liver and concealing them just as bird's nest hanging inside an old barn".31 “The spongy lung is divided into two or three pieces ( lobes ) having the red colour not very ripe (like ) Udumbara fig fruits”. It is shaped like "unevenly cut thick slice of cake (Visamacchinnabahalapuvakhandasamthavia)". 32
The medical science describes the lungs as the cone-shaped porous and spongy organs having right and left parts. “Right lung has three lobes, while the left has two only” 33 “At birth the lungs are rose - pink - coloured, in adult life, a dark slaty motted in patches" and with the advance of age, “this motting of its colour take up a black colour" 34
According to modern Biology, the structure of the human respiratory system includes, besides the two lungs, the external nares, or nostrils, nasal chamber, internal nares, pharynx, larynx, trachea or wind pipe, two bronchi, one going to each lung, bronchioles and air sacs (alveoli),35 Phopphaphephasa 36 of Jaina Biology includes the lungs and eparterial bronchioles of trachea.
The Mechanics of Breathing :
It seems that Jaina Biology keeps clear the distinction between respiration - the exchange of gases between a cell and its environment (which in man corsists of the three phases of external respiration, transportation by the blood stream and breathing, which is simply the mechanical process of taking air into the lungs (inspiration) and leiting it out again (expiration )37.
Respiration (pränäpanā )38 is material. A being exhales air from the lungs. The same being inhales air from the atmosphere. These acts of respiration are helpful to the being as they enable it to live.39 31. Visuddhimagga XI, 63. “Papphasan sarirabbhantare ..... jiņnakothabbhantare
lambamāno, etc. 32. Ibid. VIII. 117. "Papphasan ti dvattiñsamamsakhandappabhedän etc. 33. Anatomy and Physiology, pp. 92, 93. 34. Human Anatomy, Henry Gray, p. 1382,; Vide Sacitra Ayurveda-Visva-Ayurveda
Ajka, 6. March, 1972, p. 75. 35. Biology. p. 284. 36. Tandula Veyaliya, 17, p. 38. 37. Tattvärthadhigama Sutra v. 19; VI 12. (Bhāşya). See Sarvarthasiddhi, v. 19
( Commentary ) 38. Tattvarthadhigama Sutra, 5.19.
"Ordhvagami samiranah Pränah I." Adhogatirāpānah I. TS. Bhā 8.12, p. 158. 39. Ibid. Sarvārthasiddhi. v. 19 ( Tika ).
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