The World of Life : Plants
regard to their receiving of common food and common respiration. The body of one or two or numberable Nigodas cannot be seen, but the inclusion-bodies (Sadhāraṇasarıra) of infinite Nigodajivas are perceptible.79
Here it is to be noted that Nigodajivas come under the category of Sadhāranasariravanaspatikāyikas. They compare well with microorganisms - viruses, bacteriophages and rickettsias of Biology.
“Although individual virus particles cannot be seen, virus - infected cells frequently contain “inclusion bodies ” which are visible with an ordinary microscope. These are belived to be huge colonies of viruses.''80
(Subtile plant bacteria having common body )
Their existence is accepted on the basis of the evidence of the Agamas (āņāgejjhā ), but they are not perceptible to the eyes.81 They are of two kinds, viz. developed (paryāptaka ) and undeveloped (aparyāptaka ).82 Those which are aparyāptaka are asamprāpta (undeveloped ).83 Those which are paryāptaka are of thousand kinds with regard to colour, smell, taste, touch and have numberable lakhs of birth-place (Saṁkhejjāim jonippamuhasa yasahassāim ). Aparyāptakas are born with the support of Paryäptakas. There where one paryäptaka exists may be numberable or innumerable or infinite aparyäptakas 84.
Subtile Plants (Sūkşma Vanaşpati)
The subtile plants are of one kind, as there is no variety. They are distributed all over the world, gross plants are found in a part of the world only.85 With regard to the continuous flow (or development of a plant body ) it is without a beginning and an end; but with 79. “ Jaha ayagola dhamto jāo tattatavaņijjasamkāso / Savvo agaạipariņato nigoyajive
tabā jana 1/102//”; Egassa donba tinha va samkhejjāņa va na pasium sakka !
Disamti sarīrāim niyojivāna anamtánam //1031”, Ibid., v. 102, 103. 80. Biology, p. 139. 81. "Sūhumā aṇāgejjhā cakkhuphasam na te emti", Pannavaņa, 1. 54, p. 26. 82. “Te sam sao duvibā pannattā, tamjaha-pajjattaga ya apajjattaga ya ". Ibid.,
1.55, p 26. 83. Ibid., 155.3. 84. "Tattha nam je te pajjattaga tesim vannadeseņam gardhadesenam rasādesenam
phasādesenam sahassaggaso vihäņāim, samkhejjāim joņippamuhasyasahassāim / Pajjattaganissae apajjattagā vakkamamti-jattha ego tattha siya samkhejja siya
aņarta /", Ibid. 85. Egavihamanāņaita, suhumā tattha viyahiya / Suhuma savvalogammi, logadesa ya
bayara /", Uttar ādhyayana Sutra, 36.10). J. B.-12
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