The World of Life : Plants
from the liquid substance ( sineha or rasa ) to the forms of biological useful energy. These occur in green plants as they do in every living cell.
The Skeletal System of Plants Plants have no separate skeletal system for support as many animais do. At the simplest level, the saivālas (algae )13 which are almost entirely aquatic have little need for specialized skeletal structures, for their bodies are generally small and supported by the water. The land plants14 do need some structure strong enough to hold leaves in position to receive sunlight.
This has been achieved in two major ways: the cellular wall (tvac )15 can be very thick, 16 as in the woody stems of trees and shrubs, and serve directly for the support of the plant body or it can be rather thin 17 ( kaniyāsi) and provide support indirectly by way of pressure.
Besides, trees and shrubs have gūdhaśīrā (Xylem ? and a hiruyam (Phloem ? )18 to help support their trunk.
Plant Digestion Plants have no specialized digestive system; their nutrients19 are either made within the cells20 or are absorbed through the cell membranes.21 The nutrients synthesized are either used at once22 or transported to another part, such as, the stem or root,23 etc. The 13. Sūtrakstanga II. 3.54. 14. “Puậhavijoniyā rukkhā", Ibid. 15. Sūtrakstānga II. 3.47; “Yatra skandhakamdamūlašākhäsu khalu vikşyate, Tvacā
sthūlatarā kästhāt sā tvacānantajivikā 11" Lokaprakāśa I, 5.79, p. 363. 16. Ibid. 17. "Yatra mūlaskandhakandaśākhāsu drsyate sphutam / Tvaca kaniyasi kāşthat
sā tvakpratyekajīva ll" Lokaprakāśa, 5.96, p. 365. 18. Pannavanā, Vanaspatikāyajivapan avanā 54-84; Jivavicāra 12; Gommaasāra 187
(Jivakāņda ). 19. “Te jivā tesim ņāņavihajoniyāņam sinehamāhāremti”, etc. Sūtrakstānga II, 3.43. 20. "Te jiva āhārenti pudhavisariram ausariram teusariram Vāusariram vanassaisariram,
etc.,” Ibid. Ibid.; "Mūlam syāt bhumisambaddham tatra kandah samāśritah / tatra skandha iti mitho bijāntah syuryutah same 1/107// Atah Prihvigatarasamahāranti same' apyami / Yāvat phalani puşpastham bijāni phala sa mgatan //108//” Lokaprakāśa,
5.107, 108. 22. “Tesim pudha vijoniyānam rukkhāņam sarira ņāņāvaņņā ņāņāgamdhā ņāņaphāsā
ņāņāsamjhānasamthiya ņāņāvihasarirapuggalaviuvvitā..........bhavaṁti tti /"
Sūtrakstānga II. 3.43. 23. Te jivă tesim rukkhajoniyāṇam rukkhāņam sinehamnāhāremti....pudhavssariram,
etc...... tesim rukkhajoniyānām mūlāņam ka mdäņań khamdhāņam tayāņam pavālāņam jāva biyāņam sarirā ņāņāvaņņā ņāņāgamdha.........bba vamti /", Ibid. II. 3.46.
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