Book Title: Jaina Biology
Author(s): J C Sikdar
Publisher: L D Indology Ahmedabad

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Page 95
________________ 84 Jaina Biology jivas exists.54 Or just as Tilapāpdis (Sesamum Cakes ) made of many tilas (grains of Sesamum seeds ), exist, just so the collection (or combination) of the bodies of pratyekaśarīrajivas remain55 together. Plants have also been grouped into three types on the basis of the number of beings or bacteria existing in their respective bodies, viz. Samkhyātajivika (the plant in which there live countable bacteria ), Asaṁkhyātajivikā ( the plant in which (there) reside innumerable bacteria ) and Anantajivikā (the plant in which (there ) live infinite bacteria ).56 Under the first type there come the following plants, viz. Täla (palmyra tree ) up to Nālieri ( cocoanut tree ), while under the second type (asa mkhyāta jivikā) there are two kinds of plant, viz. ekasthikā (one seeded plant and bahubījaka (many-seeded plant), e. g. Nimba, Āmra, etc. are one-seeded, while Asthika (guava ), Tinduka (Diospyrosembryoteris ), Dadima ( Pomogranate ), etc. fall under the second variety (bahubījaka ).57 The third natural order (anantajīvikā) consists of the following plants, viz. Aluka ( white Patato ), Mülaka (radish ), Singavera (ginger ), upto Musundhi and others like them. This classifi plants is scientifically sound when considered in the light of modern Biology.58 SĀDHĀRANASARĪRAVĀDARAVANASPATIKĀYIKAS (Gross plant bodies beings having Common body ) There are stated to be many kinds of Sadhāra naśarīrabād aravanaspatikāyikas, such as, Ava kā (a kind of grassy plant growing in marshy sand, Blyxa. Octandra Rich ), otherwise, called Saivāla), Panaga (Panakafungus or a kind of Arum ), Sevāla (Saivala = algae ), Lohini ( Rohini= Soyida febrifuga?), Mihü (a kind of medicinal plant), Thībū(a kind of plant), Asakanni (Ašvakarni = Dipterocarpus or the tree Vatica Robusta ), Sībakanni (Simbakarņi=a kind of plant ), Siumdhi (Simumdhi = a kind of plant, the shrub Arbus pricatorius ), Musumdhi (a kind of plant), Ruru (a species of fruit tree ), Kamduriyā (Kundarika= a kind of plant ), Jārü (a kind of plant or Jiru Cuminum cyminum ), Chiravirāli ( a kind of plant, Kșīravidārikā, having kanda, Ipomaea digitata?), Kitthiyā (Kitti = a kind of plant), Haliddā (Haridrā = curcuma longa ), Sringavera (ādu=ginger ), Aluga (Bața ța = patatoo ), Mulaga ( Mūla, radish ), Kambu (Kambuyā=a kind of plant), Kanhakadbu 54. “Ja ha sagala sarisavāņam silesamissāna vațiyā vatti / patteyasarirānam taba h mti sarirasanghayā //4"//", Pannavaņā, 1.53.45. 55. “Jaha vā tilapappadiya bahuebim tilehi samhitā samti / Patteya sarirāņari taha horti sarirasam: hāya 1/461/", Ibid., I. $3.46, p. 21 56. Bhagavati Sūtra, 8.3.324. 57. Ibid. 58. Ibid., 7.3.276; 8.3.324. Jain Education International For Private & Personal Use Only


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