known as hēmasvaratha. The dataka was the minister of Peace and War (sāndhivigrahika) Nåráyapadatta, also mentioned in the same capacity in the Anuliya grant. The inscription contains some interesting points in the names given as boundaries of the land granted. The boundaries are: in the East the boundary wall of a Buddhist temple, particulars of which are contained in the following words:
Vuddha-vihari-dēvata-nikara-deyāmmapa-bhūmyadhāvāpapürovalih; the Southern boundary was the tank named Nichadahāra : the Western boundary was (the village of) Nandiharipakundi, and the Northern boundary was the ditch known as Mollinakhadi. The land granted annually yielded 150 Puränare or copper coins.
I edit the grant from the original plate, which has been placed at my disposal by Baba Räměndra Sundëra Trivědi, the secretary of the Barigiya Sahitya Parishad
First Side _1 भों प्रों नमो नारायणाय । विद्युद्यत्र द्युतिः फणिपतेर्बालेन्दुरिन्द्रा
युधं वा-(0) 2 रि. स्वर्मतरङ्गिणी सितशिरोमाला वलाकावलि । ध्यानाभ्याससमीरणोपनिहितः 8 श्रेयोऽधुरोजूतये भूयाहः स भवार्तितापभिदुरुः शम्भाः कपम्वुिदः ॥ [१] 'मा4 नन्दोम्बुनिधी चकोरनिकर दुख(ख)च्छिदात्यन्तिकी कहार हतमोग्रता 5 रतिपतावेकोऽहमेवेति धीः । यस्यामी अमृतात्मन: समुदयन्याश प्रका6 माजगत्यन्त्र ध्यानपरम्परापरिषतं ज्योतिस्तदास्ताम्मदै । [२] "सेवावन7 मनृपकोटिकिरीटरोचिरम्वु(म्बू)नसत्पदनखद्युतिवल (म)रीभिः। तेजो8 विषव्वरमुषो हिषतामभूवन् भूमीभुजः स्फुटमथौषधिनाथवं9 । [२] 'पाकौमारविकखरैर्हिशि दिशि प्रस्यन्दिभिर्होर्यशःप्रालेयैररिरा10 जवननलिनबानी: समुबीलयन [*] हेमन्तः स्फुटमेयसेननननक्षेत्रो. 11 घपुस्थावलीशालिनाध्यविपाकपीवरगुणस्तेषामभूदंशज: [*] [४] यदीयैर12 बापि प्रचितमुजतेज:सहचरैयशोभिः शोभन्ते परिधिपरि13 लहा इव दिशः । तत: काचोलीलाचतुरचतुरम्भोधिलहरीपरीतोर्वी14 भर्त्ताजनि विजयसेनः स विजयी। [५] 'प्रत्यूहः कलिसम्पदामनलसो वेदा16 यनैकाध्वगः सहामः श्रितनामावतिरभूदलालसेनस्ततः । यचेतोम16 यमेव शौर्यविजयी 'दत्वौषधं तत्ववादक्षीणा रचयाञ्चकार वशगाः
Hamāfraratha or kiranyafvaratha (horse-chariot of gold) is one of the sixteen great gifts (shodatamala. dånani) mentioned in the Mataya-Purana and in Hemadri's Danakhanda.--Ed.)
It seems to me that the first part of the name contains the Arabic Word Mullah. Were there any Muhammedan settlements in Bengal previous to the con quest of the country by the Afghan raiders P Traditions of local Mo imedan saints in Eastern Bengal and Chittagong affirm that several holy men settled in this country about Oory before the Muhammedan conquot. Cf. Journal Beng. 41, Soe., Vol. XLII, Po. I pp. 269 #.
[The name of the coin, which occurs also in two other sēna inscriptions, is probably Kapardaka-Purana. -Ba.]
[Theraccompanying plate has been prepared from impressions and from a photograph of the seal supplied by Mr. Banerjea-s. K.] Expressed by a symbol.
• Metre: Śärdülavikridita. * Metre: Vasantatilaki.
• Metre : Sikhariņi. • Red खा.