Seeds of Parinama in the Earliest Literature
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Cha. Up. VI. 2. 1 to 4.
Verily, at that time the world was undifferentiated. It became differentiated just by name and form, as the saying is :
"He has such a name, such a form'.
He entered in here, from top to toe, as a razor is entirely closed up within the razor-box or again as a bird is pent up within its nest. Him they see not”.22 Br. Up. 1.4.7.
“The God who is in fire, who is in water, who has entered into the whole world, who is in plants, who is in trees'.
“He who, dwelling in the earth, and within the earth, whom the earth does not know, whose body the earth is, who controls the earth from within - He is your soul, the inner controller, the Immortal. The inner controller is He who is immanent likewise in waters, fire, air, in the heavens, in the sun, in the quarters, in the moon, in the stars, in space - (in short) in all things and within all things, whom these things do not know, whose body these things are, who controls all these things from within'. Br. Up. III.7
'He desired : ‘Would that I were many ! He performed austerity. Having performed austerity he created this whole
For similar creation-accounts - from 'Asat', 'Ātman', 'Brahman' cf. Tattiriya Up. II. 7,- Aitareya Up. I. 1--2 and Br. Up. I. 4. 1--4, Br. Up. 1. 4.11 respectively. We have translated the passage 'fa u hit an fare!
H o according to Prof. Ranade (Constructive Survey of Upanişadic Philosophy. p. 261 ). The other passages are translated according to Hume. Hume, following Sankarācārya, translates it thus: 'as fire would be hidden in a fire--holder'. In the foot--note, he gives other references, of this simile and interpretation of Whitrey and Lanman. (Hume. Thirteen Upanişads, p. 28.)
enn: Shume