Parināma in the Samkhya-karika and its Commentaries
the course of evolution. 23 The preponderance of one and the subordination of the others in different manner and proportion give rise to the plurality of phenomena in their infinite complexity.
Isvarakṛṣṇa describes the functioning of Prakṛti through the Parinama of the three Gunas. He uses the word pariņāma in the Ska. 16 and 27. In the sixteenth, he says that the Avyakta operates through the three Gunas by blending and modification, like water, on account of the difference arising from the predominance of one or the other of the Gunas. In the second half of the Ka. 27, he points out that the diversity of the organs arises from the specific modifications of the Gunas, and from the diversity of their objects.25
The evolutes of Prakrti which arise from the pariņāma of the Gunas and which constitute the Vyakta are considered as karyas (effects) of Prakṛti. Isvarakṛṣṇa tries to prove the existence of the Avyakta, the prius, through the Vyakta-karyas by the principle of causation.26 His pirnciple of causation, however, is not of the same type as that of the Vaiseșikas in which one thing causes another thing which is non-existent (asat), to come into being. Iśvarakṛṣṇa's
प्रदीपवच्चार्थतो वृत्तिः ॥ Ska 13 24 कारणमस्त्यव्यक्तं प्रवर्तते त्रिगुणतः समुदयाच्च । परिणामतः सलिलवत् प्रतिप्रतिगुणाश्रयविशेषात् ।। Ska. 16
25 गुणपरिणामविशेषान्नानात्वं ग्राह्यभेदाच्च ।
I have adopted the reading of Mathara viz.
i. c. विषय
as it suits better in the context. Gauḍapada, Vācaspati, and the Chinese version of Parmaratha readi.e. the external diversities. Vācaspati explains the second half thus: 'the diversity of organs is due to specific modification of the Gunas like the external diversity'. The reading of Yuktidipika is altogether different. It is fanefaqui तस्मादुभयप्रचारं तत् ।' This reading is also adopted by Bhattotpala in his commentary on the Bṛhat Samhita, p. 7.
26 भेदानां परिमाणात् समन्वयात् शक्तितः प्रवृत्तेश्च । कारणकार्यविभागादविभागाद् वैश्वरूप्यस्य ।। Ska. 15