The Samkhya-Yoga and the aina Theories of Pariņāma
own power enter the roots - such is the action of effectuating condition added to a sum of material causes or conditions'. 30
Thus we see that the energy conserved in one form naturally passes into another by manifesting consequent changes or transformations designated by the name of evolution. As natural flow is obstructed in various ways by the resistance offered by space, time, form and causality, it has naturally to take the course in which there are no impediments and obstacles; at each stage new impediments may come in and interfere with the evolving process and compel the flow to change the direction of its course at every stage; so it is that we find that the evolutionary process has naturally to take a curvilinear line rather than the straight one. It is this resistance against the eovlutionary flow which compels it to reject thousands of courses open to it and select a particular one in which there is no resistance. It is this, there-fore, that gives niyama or a regulation (pariņāmakramaniyama)'1.
30 Positive Sciences of the Ancient Hindus. B. N. Seal, pp. 14-16. 31 Yoga Philosophy, pp. 212-213.