The Samkhya-Yoga and the Jaina Theories of Pariņāma
senses and on the other into the five Tanmātrās and the five Bhūtas. 10
10 VB. and TVS. on Ysū. II. 19.
Dr. Seal remarks that the first order given by the Skā. and others, is literally correct but misses the significance of the doctrine of SamSrşta-viveka or differentiation in the integrated', according to which the Tanmātrās are all evolved through the medium of Ahamkāra, in the cosmic matter of Experience (Mahat). Positive Sciences of the Ancient Hindus, p. 12.
It may be noted that Bhikṣu who comments on the VB. and the SSū, points out that, truly speaking, the genesis of the Tanmatrás from Mahat takes place through the Ahamkāra and in association with it for it has been so described in the VB. on the Ysū. I. 45 (YV. on Ysū. II. 19). Thus both Bhiksu and Seal purport to convey the same thing from Vyasa's statement though in different way.
Incidentally we may note here other differences of view between the earlier and later works as regards the derivation of other categories.
It may be noted that nothing is stated about the manner of the order of evolution of the Tanmātrās from Ahamkāra, in any of the Sāṁkhya-Yoga works excepting those of Vijñānabhikṣu. In his YV. (on II. 19) and SPB. (I. 62), he points out that the same order of evolution is to be followed in the case of the Tapmātrās as is followed in the case of evolution of the Bhūtas from the Tanmātrās. Thus Ahamkāra gives rise to Sabda-tanmātrā, the Sabdatanmātră in association wtth Ahamkāra, to Sparśa-tanmātrā, and so on. (For a detailed discussion of the different views of the derivation of Tanmātrās as found in the Smrtis and Purāņas, cf. Dr. Seal's Positive Sciences of the Ancient Hindus p. 28 onwards).
As regards the mannner of the derivation of the Bhūtas from the Tanmātrās, the Skā. says nothing. The Matharavrtti, STK, Jayamangalā (Skā. 22), VB. and TVS. hold that one i.e. the first Tapmātrā combines with one, two, three or four to produce the more complex Bhūtas with the correspoding number of qualities. According to Gaudapāda and the author of Yuktidipikā, however, the Tapmātrās can singly produce the Bhūtas. According to Bhiksu Akāśa-atom is generated from the Sabdatanmātrā with an accretion from bhūtādi, (YV. on Ysū. I. 43). According to Nāgesa, to produce the gross atoms from the Tanmātrās, an accretion of bhūtādi as an accompanying agent is necessary at every step. Thus