The Samkhya-Yoga and the Jain Theories of Parināma
follows: (1) Udie (af) Operative, or that which rises from the operation or fruition of karmas. (2) Uvasamie () Subsidential, arising from the subsidence of karmas. (3) Khaie (nf), arising from the destruction of karmas. Khaovasamie (3⁄4¶¤fîã) i.e. arising from the partial destruction, subsidence and operation of karmas. (5) Pāriņāmie (ff), Natural, the soul's Own natural thought-activity, independent of karmas. (6) Sannivaie1 (fa) i.e. resulting from the association of two or more states. In the Pannavaṇā (Ch. 13) and the Bh. Su. 14.4.514, we find the different kinds of Pariņāmas of the soul given as follows: gati-pariņāma, indiya-pariņāma, kasiya-pariṇāma, lesa-pariņāma, joga-pariņāma, uvaoga-pariņāma, ṇāṇa-pariņāma, damsaṇa-pariṇāma, caritta-pariṇama and veda-pariņāma. These are explained in detail hereafter.
Poggala is distinguighed from all the other substances owing to its possessing rupitva i.e. colour, taste, and touch. 15 Its chief characteristic is said to be that of 'grahana' since it forms the basis of the bodies, senses, yoga, 16 and respiration of souls, 1 (i.e. by the vibratory activity of the soul, poggale matter - transforms itself in the form of body, senses etc.). From the standpoint 14. छव्विहे भावे पण्णत्ते, तं जहा -- उदइए उवसमिए खइए खओवसमिए पारिणामिए सन्निवाइए ।
Thā. Sū. 6.537
Cf. Also Anuyoga dvāra Saṭbhāvādhikara and Bh. Su. 17.1.593. पोग्गलात्थिकाय रूविकायं अजीवकायं पन्नवेति ।
Bh. Su. 7.10.30
16. This term is explained in the next chapter.
17. पोग्गलात्थिकाए णं पुच्छा' 'गोयमा ! पोग्लात्थिकाएणं जीवाणं ओरालियवेउब्वियआहारए तेयाकम्मए सोइंदियचक्खिं दियघाणिदियजिब्भिंदियफासिंदियमणजोगवयजोग कायजोगआणापाणूणं च गृहणं पवत्तति, गहण - लक्खणे णं पोग्गलत्थिकाए ।'
Bh. Su. 13.4.481