The Samkhya-Yoga and the Jaina Theories of Pariņāma.
Another important development, to be noticed for the first time in. Vyāsa, pertains to the elucidation of the nature of the process of Parinama of twenty-three principles from Praksti. Ahankāra and five tanmātras are the six unspecialised modifications of Pure Be-ness, the Great Principle, the Mahā Ātmā. That which is prior to the unspecialised forms is the undifferentiated Mahat Principle. Remaining in the Mahat of pure Be-ness, these (six aviseșas) grow up to their highest capacity. On involution, they pass back into the state of Pure Be-ness, the great principle; and thence they pass into the state which neither is nor yet is not, that in which it exists and yet does not; that which is Real, the Unmanifested, the background of all. This is their undifferentiated phenomenal modification; and that which neither is aor yet is not, is the noumenal modification,
The undifferentiated phenomenal (Linga) is the next after the Noumenal (Alinga). Existing therein, it becomes distinguished from it (Aliaga), because the law of the order of appearance is inviolable. Similarly the six unspecialised modifications have their being in the undifferentiated phenomenal and are distinguished from that by the order being inviolable. Likewise, are the elements and organs having their being in these unspecialised modifications, distinguished from them, as has been already described. There is no other tattva appearing in succession after the specialised modifications. So there is no evolution into any other principle beyond the visegas. But their Dharma-Lakşaņa-Avasthā-Parināma will be explained later on.20
20 एते सत्तामात्रस्याऽऽत्मनो महतः षडविशेषपरिणामाः । यत्तत्परमविशेषेभ्यो
लिङ्गमात्रं महत्तत्त्वं तस्मिन्नेते सत्तामात्रे महत्यात्मन्यवस्थाय विवृद्धिकाष्टामनुभवन्ति । प्रतिसंसृज्यमानाश्च तस्मिन्नेव सत्तामात्रे महत्यात्मन्यवस्थाय यत्तन्नि:सत्तासत्तं निःसदसन्निरसदव्यक्तमलिङ्गं प्रधानं तत्प्रतियन्ति । एष तेषां लिङ्गमात्र: ofeullet FATHATHEİ arfar suferre fa ........FETE="HTT+F प्रत्यासन्नं तत्र तत्संसृष्टं विविच्यते क्रमानतिवृत्तेः । तथा षडविशेषा लिङ्गमात्रे संसृष्टा विविच्यन्ते परिणामक्रमनियमात् । तथा तेवविशेषषु भतेन्द्रि