Development of Parinama in Yogasutras
three Gunas seem to indicate the three universal powers or potentialities of Prakrti which bring about various manifestations in this universe.
Now, let us understand Bhiksu's interpretation of the process of Pariņāma sa msṛṣṭa-viveka, in the light of his theory of the Gunas, as given by him in his YV. (II. 19).
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According to Bhiksu, when the process of creation starts, there occurs only a partial, not a total disturbance in the equilibrium of Prakṛti, the equilibrium being maintained for ever in a certain part of Prakṛti. Otherwise, i.e. on the assumption of a total disturbance of the equilibrium, the different stages (vise sa, aviseṣa, linga) in the order of cosmic evolution, will not be possible. The transformation of the subsequent categories (tattvas) takes place successively from only a part of the preceding categories, like that of foam taking place in part of the ocean and not like that of milk into curd which is a total pariņāma of the previous state. The existence of the preceding tattvas, the causes, as pervading the subsequent ones, their effects, after the production of the latter, comes to be established by the fact that the deficiency of the reals in the cause, consequent upon the production of the effect, has to be made gocd by the preceding tattvas successively by a process of refilling. 21
अथवा सर्वदा सत्त्वरूपं नित्यत्वमेवात्राप्यर्थोऽस्तु सर्गेऽपि गुणासास्यस्वात्यन्ततोऽनुच्छेदात्, अंशत एवं वैषम्येणावरणरूपस्य गुणसाग्यस्य सर्वदा सत्त्वात्, अन्यथा साम्यावस्थाया अन्यन्तोच्छेदे पर्वत्वानुपपत्तेश्च । तस्य च वंशतुल्यस्य गुणवृक्षस्यावरणाला पूर्वपूर्व तत्त्वानामंशत एवोत्तरतत्त्वरूपेण परिणामो भवति समुद्रस्यांशतः फेनादिरूपतावद् न तु दध्ना दुग्धस्येव पूर्वपूर्वतत्त्वस्य सर्वशिन परिणाम, उत्पन्नकार्यस्य कारणेन पुनरापूरणार्थं तु कारणांना स्वकार्यावरकतयाऽवस्थानं सिध्यति, तस्मात् सर्गकालेऽपि बहिरलिङ्गावस्थाव
Dr. Seal and Das Gupta, accepting the above interpretation of Bhiksu regarding the nature of the Guns and the process of Pariņāma give an capition of the same in modern terms as follows: "This evolution in its