Sārkhya Ideas in Pre-īśvarakrşņa Literature
In the Katha Up. we are told that "the objects are higher than the senses, mind than the objects, the Buddhi than mind, the great self than Buddhi, the Avyakta than the Great Self, the Puruşa than the Avyakta and that beyond and above the Puruşa there is nothing else'.4 In the same Up. a similar account is given. Here the mind stands above the senses, Sattva above the mind, over that the Great Self, over that the Avyakta, and over that the Spirit.5 Here we find terms like (54197' and 'fe' used in the classical Samkhya. Thus these passages give us important categories of the Sāmkhya philosophy.
A much more developed form of Sāmkhya is to be found in the Sve. Up. This Up. abounds in the Samkhya categories. In this work the words Sāṁkhya and Kapila are to be found for the first time. It may be noted that the various categories of the classical Samkhya viz., Vyakta, Avyakta, Jña, Pradhāna, Prakrti, Pariņāmayet also find mention in the same Upanişad.?
One should bear in mind that all these Samkhya categories are related to one supreme God, Brahman or Rudra.
Again, therein the three-coloured she-goat is said to refer to the three Gunas of the Sāṁkhya Praksti and the two he-goats, to the t:vo kinds of souls, one still in the enjoyment of Prakști and the other, who, after having enjoyed her, has left her.8
The passage, V. 5. of this Upanişad deserves special notice as it uses the word 'pariņāmayet' for the first time in the earlier Upanişads.
Šamkarācārya does not explain the word "pariņāmayet.' 4 1. 3. 10-11 5 II. 6. 7-8 6 aa fircut AIETÈTIFTITIT 1 (VI. 13) and to gai afaris
PETAI (V. 2). 7 1. 8-10, 1V. 10, 1, 13, V. 7., VI. 4, V. 5, V. 8. 8 अजामेकां लोहितशुक्लकृष्णां बह्वीः प्रजाः सृजमानां सरूपाः ।
371 a. gaisgata grigi YHTIATISFA: ? (IV.5)