Seeds of Parināma in the Earliest Literature
or from disappears in the case of one dravya, it does not altogether cease to exist but is seen to subsist in another dravya.39 What is meant is that inspite of undergoing change, akṛti never totally abandons its essential nature (tattva) of 'akṛtitva'.
This obviously refers to the concept of pariņāmi-nityatā.
Thus Patanjali not only explains and illustrates the concept of pariņāma which was for the first time enunciated in the Nirukta, but also makes for the first time a precise and clearcut distinction between two types of nityatā viz., kūṭastha-nityatā and parinami-nityatā.
39 '..... निश्याssकृतिः । कथम् । न क्वचिदुपरतेति कृत्वा सर्वत्रोपरता भवति । द्रव्यान्तरस्था तूपलभ्यते ।'
..... किं पुनस्तत्त्वम् । तस्य भावस्तत्त्वम् ।
आकृतावपि तत्त्व न विहन्यते । I. 1. 1
sense of
It should be noted that akṛti is here understood in the akṛti-sāmānya compared to which the different dravyas in which ākṛti comes to inhere become visesas.