The Samkhya-Yoga and the Jaina Theories of Parinamar
door for the doctrine of Māyā or Avidya in the sense of illusion. These passages 37 are seized by Sankarācarya and his followers in ancient and modern times as purporting to give the essential doctrine of Upanişads. It may be conceded that the possibility of the above passages implying Mayā is not excluded, but that at any rate, does not justify the claim of Sankara that all the Upanişads consistently uphold the doctrine of Māya28 (in the sense understood by him). For, we have seen above, that there are a number of passages which clearly imply the reality of the objective world. 29 This trend of thought which takes the world.
27 I 'यत्र हि द्वैतमिव भवति तदितर इतरं जिघ्रति तदितर इतरं पश्यति तदितर
इतरं शृणोति.....यत्र वा अस्य सर्वमात्मैवाभूत्तत्केन कं जिघेत्तत्केन के
पश्येत्तत्केन कं शृणुयात्... | Br. Up. II 4.14 II 'यत्र वा अन्यदिव स्यात्तत्रान्योऽन्यत्पश्येदन्योऽन्यज्जि दन्योऽन्यद्रसयेदन्यो
ऽन्यद्वदेत्.....विजानीयात् ।' Br. Up• IV. 3.31 II 'मनसैवानुद्रष्टव्य नेह नानास्ति किंचन ।
मृत्योः स मृत्युमाप्नोति य इह नानेव पश्यति ॥ Br. Up. IV. 4.19
& Cf also Katha Up. IV. 11. VI 'यथा सोम्यै केन मृत्पिण्डेन सर्व मृण्मय विज्ञात स्याद्वाचाऽऽरम्भणं विकारो
नामधेय मृत्तिकेत्येव सत्यम् ॥' Cha. Up. VI. 1.4 v. '...तदेतदृषिः पश्यन्नवोचत् । रूपं रूप प्रतिरूपो बभूव तदस्य रूपं प्रतिचक्षणाय । इन्द्रो मायाभिः पुरुरूप ईयते युक्ता ह्यस्य हरयः शता दशेति ।'
Br. Up. II. 5.19 VI 'मायां तु प्रकृति विद्यान्मायिन तु महेश्वरम् ।।
Sve. UP. IV. 10 28 What is more the word Māyā does not exclusively connote the illu
sory nature of phenomena. In some passages it is distinctly used to suggest the power of God, which is real and which is responsible for the existence of world--phenomena as in the Sve. Up. IV. 10. and Br. Up. II--5.19. One might say that the independent entity of Prakrti in the Upanişads becomes the Māyā of Isvara. It is a sort of Upani
şadic approriation of the Sāṁkhya Praksti. 29 "These passages are clearly repugnant to the doctrine of Māyā' Thibaut,
Vedānta Sūtras, Part I, SBE, Vol. XXXIV, p. cxviii. 'The doctrine of