Chapter - 5 The important thing is to further reinforce the strength of all the three jewels which has attained only the minimum or lowest strength at the moment. The influx of karmic matter due to the primordial cause-mithyātva has been blocked but the other three openings i. e. conditions of inflow (āśravas) are still wide open and the bondage continues. The soul has to pass through number of stages from the lowest to the highest stage of spiritual development. The soul acquired right vision but is lacking in spiritual strength. And, so inspite of the right world-view and right knowledge, it cannot, totally, abstain from the wrong path. For further spiritual advancement it must develop more strength of vision, knowledge and self-control.
सव्वे पुव्वणिबद्धा दु पच्चया संति सम्मदिट्ठिस्स।
उवओगप्पाओगं बंधते कम्मभावेण॥१०॥ savve puvvanibuddhā du puccuyā samti sammaditthissa. uvaogappāogam bamdhamte kammabhāveņa.. 10
संता दुणिरुवभोज्जा बाला इत्थी जहेव पुरिसस्स।
बंधदि ते उवभोज्जे तरुणी इत्थी जह णरस्स॥११॥ samta du ņiruvabhojjā bālā itthi jaheva purusassa. bamdhadi te uvabhojje taruņī itthi jaha marassa, 11 होदूण णिरुवभोज्जा तह बंधदि जह हवंति उवभोज्जा।
सत्तविहा भूदा णाणावरणादिभावहिं।। १२॥ hodūņa ņīruvabhojjā taha bamdhadi jaha havamti uvabhojja. ___sattatthavihā bhudā nānavaranādibhāvehim..12
एदेण कारणेण दु सम्मादिट्ठी अबंधगो भणिदो।
आसवभावाभावे ण पच्चया बंधगा भणिदा॥१३॥ edena kāranena du sammādithi abamdhago bhanido. āsavabhāvābhāve na paccayā bumdhagā bhuņidā.. 13
रागो दोसो मोहो य आसवा णत्थि सम्मदिहिस्स। तम्हा आसवभावेण विणा हेदू ण पच्चया होति॥१४॥ rāgo doso moho ya āsavā ņatthi sammaditthissa. tamhā āsavabhūveņa viņā hedūņa paccayā homti.. 14
हेदू चदुव्वियप्पो अट्ठवियप्पस्स कारणं हवदि।
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