Book Title: Proceedings of the Seminar on Prakrit Studies 1973
Author(s): K R Chandra, Dalsukh Malvania, Nagin J Shah
Publisher: L D Indology Ahmedabad
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data other than astrology. Written in both prose and poetry its 60 adhyāyas give many useful information regarding the things which come under the moon and sun. In short it is an encyclopaedic work and deserves our full cultural attention to undertake its comparative study for highlighting the materials it contain.
Loka-Vibhaga of Sarvanandi (5th cent.) helps us in reconstructing the Pallava chronology by fixing the initial date of Simhavarman, as this book was written in his 22nd regnal year. It also throws light on the currency of Saka Era, the first ever known example în literature.
Padmanandin's (7th cent). Jambudvipa-prajñapti-sangraha is another work on cosmology, giving much useful information about ancient geography and Jaina traditions.
Kuvalayamala (8th cent.) of Uddyotanasuri is a book on romance in Prakrit. This supplies useful politico-historical material. It mentions Jābālipura (modern Jalor) king Śri Vatsaraja (Gurjar king) and such other things.
Nitivakyamṛta of Somadeva (10th cent.) is an excellent treatise on the science and art of politics in India.
Different Jain Caritas & Puranas often touch the politics, through which we get information about current political theories, origin of different dynasties etc. Adipurana of Jinasena (9th cent.) deserves such attention and appreciation, who was a religious Guru and adviser to the Rastrakūta king Amoghavarsha 1st. Such Gurus of the later period have also contributed in reconstructing the history of different regions of the country by collecting and editing the epigraphic data. There are many such books in different languages.
Many Jaina Munis were not only the expounders of religious dogmas but they also acted as the leaders of the society and advisers to kings & their heirs. Striking example is of Hemacandracārya. Ganga, Chavda, Hoysala etc. were some of the kingdoms created by at the instances of Jaina Gurus.
Let me, at the end, suggest a few points for the consideration of this congregation:
1. First and foremost is to speed up the work of cataloguing of MSS of many Bhandaras which are still untouched and awaiting careful editing; as well as they also need getting printed as early as possible and making them accessible to the researchers.
2. It is necessary to undertake comparative study of Jaina Prakrit works highlighting the vastness of materials they contain and to bring them to the notice of the scholars is an imperative need of the moment.
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