Book Title: Proceedings of the Seminar on Prakrit Studies 1973
Author(s): K R Chandra, Dalsukh Malvania, Nagin J Shah
Publisher: L D Indology Ahmedabad
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of it to achieve this objective without completely overhaullog and reorionting the present system of postgraduate instructions and without inducting a change in the teachers' attitude which prefers, as it is convenient, to be conservative. Thus the only alternative left open for the rehabilitation of Prakrit studies, so far as the universities are concerned, is to awaken interest in and encourage such scholars as aspire to specialise in this branch of research by creating opportunities for them, by providing funds and by giving scholarships and fellowships.
In conclusion, let me repeat, that Prakritic studies cannot be noglected that there is no hope to generate even a small amount of Interest at the graduate and undergraduate level in the colleges, that the students who have got a special aptitude for Prakritic studies should be trained at the postgraduate and should be offered job opportunites, that the indepen, dent departments for the Prakritic studies should be opened in the upis versities and these should be financially helped by the U.G.C., that the Pundits of the orthodox type and the private intitutes such as the LD. Institute and Prakrit Text Society should be encouraged and financially helped as much as possible by the U.G.C.
To rehabilitate Prākritic studies, organising Prākrit Seminars such as the present one should be a permanent feature.
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