Book Title: Proceedings of the Seminar on Prakrit Studies 1973
Author(s): K R Chandra, Dalsukh Malvania, Nagin J Shah
Publisher: L D Indology Ahmedabad
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[Inst. sg. of Mas. -94.8, Inst. plu. of Mas, fang-89.28, Inst. sg. of Fem. y of Fem. कहिओ अणाहिं चारणादेसो पणयं च - 83.10]
-103.15, Inst. plu.
(xiii) Forms of कयर :
Pischel (433) records the forms of
from Amg. only.
[चितियं च णाए – कयरो मण्णे एस देवो - 78.13, देव ! एत्थ अम्ह कयर खेत्तं — 91.7, अण्णा कण्णा कयरो विसिरूवा - 103.5]
B. There are in the VH available some forms which are noted by Pischel from other languages but not from JM.
(i) Lengthening of ending short vowel of Masc. base in Voc. sg.:
Pischel (71, 363, 366 b) notes that the ending short vowel of Mas. bases is lengthened in some cases. He gives examples only from, Amg, S. M., Mg. and Ap.
[तओ भणइ उसभदत्तो-जाया ! अस्थि ते विउलो अत्थो - 6.3]
(ii) as Gen., sg. of II:
Pischel (421) notes it from Amg. S and M.
[rar! arfer à fas-6.3 See 32.3, 59.13, 95.8, 90.18, 89.29 also.]
(iii) of as Acc. Sg. of
Pischel (431) notes it from Amg. Ś. and M.
[वच्छामो, दच्छिह णं - 82.23]
(iv) of as Acc. sg. of
Pischel (431) notes if from Amg. Mg. Ś. M. and Ap.
[ एस मे खुड्डड्गो, सोयरिका ! मा णं पीडेह -22-21, See also 6.28, 21.13, 24.16 48.23, 55.8, 14, 98.1]
(v) एवं as Acc sg. of इदं :
Pischel (431) notes qui from Mg. S. and M.
[ तो सा एणं सोऊण आसुरुत्ता - 28.3]
(vi) gas Acc. sg. of Neut.
Pischel (429) records this form from Mg. only. [ सुणह इदं - 22.5)
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