Book Title: Proceedings of the Seminar on Prakrit Studies 1973
Author(s): K R Chandra, Dalsukh Malvania, Nagin J Shah
Publisher: L D Indology Ahmedabad
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पश्चिहिइ सो घर से लहिहिइ ओआसमेहिइ सआस । भणिहिइ जं भणिअवं, पच्चुत्तं किं णु पाविहिइ । विजिष्यति स गृहं तस्याः लप्स्यतेऽवकाशम् एष्यति सकाशम् ।। Lभणिष्यति यद् भणितव्यं प्रत्युक्त किं नु प्राप्स्यति ।।
The second line is also a gātba and is, when corrected, identical with the GS No II.87:
आअस्स किं णु काहं कि वोच्छं कहं णु होहिइ इम ति । पढमुग्गअसाहसआरिआइ हिअअं थरहरेइ ॥
आगतस्य किं नु करिष्यामि कि वक्ष्यामि कथं नु भविष्यति इदम् इति ।।
Lप्रथमोद्गतसाहसकारिकाया हृदयं थरथरायते । 7) Duta-vyaharo yatha - जइआइरिन्तवेसविअ etc.
(p. 952)
This stanza, as printed, appears to form one independent unit. The first two lines and the last two lines, however, form two different verses. I have not been able to trace the first verse to its source correct it but the second verse is adopted from the Ravanavaho (X.79) :
अवलंबिजउ धीरण हु सो एहिइ अइग्गए वि पओसे । इअ दूईहि तुलिज्जइ पढमाणिअपिअअमो विलासिणिसत्थो ।।
अवलम्ब्यतां धैर्य न खलु स एष्यति अतिगते ऽ पि प्रदोषे ।। Lइति दूतीभिः तुल्यते प्रथमानीतप्रियतमो विलासिनीसार्थः ॥ ।
8) (Data-puraskaro) nayakakrto yatha
- - --
yatha va -
(p. 960)
पुणो वि पणअभंगौ........जेण । एवं मंतेसि.......मे हिअअं ॥
Now, on the face of it, this passage, though printed as a metrical one, is 10 prose and all efforts to search for it in Prakrit poetic works would be in vain. From the context I could trace it to the following passage in the Malati-Mādbava (Act VII. 1-2 pp. 91-92 (ed. by Prof. Devavdbara and Suru)
मदयन्तिका : ( सहि किं पुणो वि ) पणअभंगेण कदावराहो अजणो ।
जेण एवं मतेसि । पिअसहि तुम लवंगिआ अ सौंपदं मे हिअ ।
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