Book Title: Proceedings of the Seminar on Prakrit Studies 1973
Author(s): K R Chandra, Dalsukh Malvania, Nagin J Shah
Publisher: L D Indology Ahmedabad
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14) Priyāyah pravrtti-dusanam upālambhah komala......gramya iti | Teşu komalo yatha
अपरिक्खि अदोसगुणं..
This very verse is again cited on p. 1046 with the introductory words उपालम्भक्तिर्यथा "The quotation on p. 1013 shows some letters missing in the fourth quarter (on p. 1013) and the quotation (on p.1046) shows some letters missing in the second quarter. The stanza may tentatively be restored as follows :
........ .....
अपरिक्खिअ - दोस- गुणं अवमण्णिअ चिरप्परूढ - वीसंभ- रसं । वहीरआणुराअं तुमे वि मह रूसिउं जणेण ण विष्णं ॥
15) Duty-gopanam yatha
- अपरीक्ष्य दोषगुणं अवमत्य चिर-प्ररूढ - विश्रम्भ-रसम् । - अवधीर्यानुरागं त्वयापि जनेन मह्यं रुष्ट्वा न खिन्नम् ॥
केलीगोत्तक्खलणे वि कुप्पए के अवं (कइअवं) अभाणंती । दुद्दमस्स मुसा परिहासं जाआ सच्चं चिअ परुण्णा || केलीगोत्रस्खलनेऽपि कुप्यति कैतवम् अजानन्ती । दुर्दमस्य मृषा परिहासं, जाया सत्यमेव प्ररुदिता ॥
Jain Education International
केळीगो०त०खळणे etc.
This gathā occurs in the Daśarūpaka (IV. 60-61) and in Weber's edition (st No 967) of the GS. The gāthā may be corrected in the light of these two corresponding citations as :
16) Sa (mana- vilaso) sakhyabhimukhya - viśesanistho yatha वाहरउ में सहीओ...
(p. 1013)
The GS reads 'दुट्ठ उअसु परिहासं '. DR (Adyar edn) reads 'दुद्दमस्स मुसा परिहासं' which is metrically defective. One could suggest a reading such as दुद्दम मुअ परिहास ( मुअ meaning मुञ्च); alternatively one could suggest the reading : "दुद्दम उअ ( = पश्य) परिहासं "
For Private & Personal Use Only
(p. 1022)
Only the first quarter of the gathā is available in the printed text; the remaining three quarters are apparently lost in the MS itself. The full gathā must be the same as found in GS II. 31 since the idea embodied in the gathā agrees with the introductory remark of the SP quoted above. The full gatha runs as follows :
(p. 1030)