Book Title: Proceedings of the Seminar on Prakrit Studies 1973
Author(s): K R Chandra, Dalsukh Malvania, Nagin J Shah
Publisher: L D Indology Ahmedabad

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Page 135
________________ 94 . 1. P has seen this in the case of roots or derivatives (7.1,100,101) as in kirati, kira, kirtayati. 2. Ptj bas noted (1.259.14 ) the popular pronunciation of vděs—as disa- (v. l. y disa-). (3) H. Berger explains20.1 vedh- probably as a borrowal from a vernacular showing it as a secondary strong root from Vidh- which, in turn, developed out of Vidh. (f) ! > 421 1. P has seen this in the case of roots beginning with a labial conso. nant ( 7.1.102 ), as in pupūrşati. 2. P notes this for the gen. sg. of q-ending forms (6.1.111 ), as id pituh, matuḥ etc. 3. P notes this for mat; ( 4.1.115 ), in forms like dvaimatura, sammatura or bhadramatura. (8) r > ri22 1. In the passive, benedictive and present active constructions, P notes the root-final changing to ri (7.4.28), as in kriyate or hriyate, hriyat, and adriyate or mriyate. 2. The word krmi is found mentioned by Pti once as krimi which is frequent in the Inscriptions ( M 11.309.7, III. 179.17). (b) ! > e Io the Vedic littrature geha occurs only in the VS-K ( 30.9 ); later it is found once in the Mahabharata ( 3.287.7c) and then frequently in the Manusmrti. At P's time its occurrence must be rare. Yet he has specially derived it form vgrh- (3.1.144 ) showing how ? started getting corrupted into e in the current speech. Kty too has once used it. ( ). (i)(a + CC) > (a + GC) (Shortening of a when followed by a conjunct consonant ). 1. Āpisali as quoted by P (6.1.92) allowed the use of forms like uparkariyati and upalkartyati ( mentioned by Ptj, M. 1.63.12 ) side by side with uparkāriyati and upalkārtyati respectively. 2. Kty's speech contained forms like sakand hu which he derived from saka + andhu ( 3. Ptj further supplied simanta (only referring to the hair ). There were probably many such in vogue at his time, for be twice uses a regular term sakandhu-nyāya' to describe such ( II. 373.107., 111,259.15 ). 4. Common forms like pacanti, gacchanti, etc. seem to be derived (P. 6.1.97 ) through * pacanti etc. Jain Education International For Private & Personal Use Only


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