Book Title: Proceedings of the Seminar on Prakrit Studies 1973
Author(s): K R Chandra, Dalsukh Malvania, Nagin J Shah
Publisher: L D Indology Ahmedabad
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11. "Y"-glide (sometimes with shortening of the preceding vowel.14
1. deyah + iha > devar iha ( 8.2.66) > deväy iha ( 8.3.17 ) >deva iha (8.3.19) shows that a hiatus-tilger' y is optionally put in expressions where the hiatus is preceded by aja, though it was elided in the speechcommunity represented by sākalya. This y was a glide or of light articulation (laghu prayatnatara) according to Śākatāyana (8.3.18 ), but not necessarily so according to P, implying thereby, as V. Bhattacharya feels, that the glide changed to a fully developed y when Pāņini wrote his grammar.
2. bho + acyuta > bhoy acyuta (8.3.17 ) or (according to Gārgya ) bho acyuta ( 8.3.20 ), suggesting the same implication as above.
3. deva + os > deva-y-oh, although in such cases Pfirst has a > e (7.3.104 ) and then e > ay ( 6.1.78 ).
4. rama + a > rama-y-a, although in such cases P first has a ne (7.3.105 ) and then e > ay.
5. tva/ma + a > tvay/may + a (7.2.89 ).
6. ni + aḥ > niy + aḥ; susri + aḥ > susriy + aḥ (6.4.77 ): sudhi + aḥ > sudhiy + ah ( 6.4.85 ); stri + aḥ > striy + aḥ (6.4.79 ); strı + am + striy # am (6.4.80 ).
7. da + aka > da-y-aka; da + in> da-y-in; da ta > da-ya; and cekriya, syargahvāya, tantuvāya, dhanyamaya, gosandaya, kşira payin etc., all showing the y(uk) agama (7.3.33 ) according to P.
8. ga + a-ti > gay + a-ti; ci-kşi + us > ci-kşi-y + us; a-da ti > a-da-y + i ( 6.4.77 ); i + eşa > iy eșa ( 6.4.78 ).
III. 'V'-glide (sometimes with shortening of the preceding vowel )
1. bhru + ak > bhrūv + ah; 1ū + aḥ > luv + ah; kata pru + aḥ > kata pruv + aḥ (6.4,77 ); bhū + aḥ > bhuv + aḥ ( 6.4.85 ); lolü + ah > loluy + aḥ (6.4.77 ).
2. u-okh + a > uv-okh + a (6.4.78 ).
3. apnu + anti > apnuv + anti ( 6.4.77 ); lulu + uh > luluy + uh (6.4.77).
4, abhū + an > abhu-v-an; babhū ta > babhū ---U-a (6.4.88 ). 5. bhū + adayah > bhū-v-adayaḥ done by P himself at
(C) VIKARA C-1. Vowels
(a) e ai > 116 P sanctions the shortening” of e or ai into i ( 1.1.48 ). So we get :
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