Book Title: Proceedings of the Seminar on Prakrit Studies 1973
Author(s): K R Chandra, Dalsukh Malvania, Nagin J Shah
Publisher: L D Indology Ahmedabad
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II. Loss of the unas pirated portion of an intervocalic single aspirated consonants.
1. Imper. 2nd sg. dhi found in the Veda and Classical Sanskrit changes to hi in some roots in some situation. Cf. juhudhi, krīnihi (6.4.101). ... 2. Vedic sadha (as in sadhamada, sadhastha ) changes to Cl. saha (6.3.96).
3. nyagrodha- is derived by Ptj ( 1.433.2) from nyak- ruh-. ( The same word, as noted by Mehendale, 10 is derived from vruh- at AiB, 35.4 )..
4. Vedic śubhita > suhita in M (1.31.10, 11.64.18 ). (Mehendale 11 notes AiBr 40.3 paraphrasing the Mantra word śudhita with suhita. )
5. The Vedic forms sudhita, vasudhita, and nemadhita recorded among others by P (7.4.45 ) as irregular, were, according to the Kašika, replaced (possibly at the time of P) by suhita, vasuhita and nemahita respectively11.1
6 aho puruşa, at the base of aho purusika which is first attested in M (twice at 1.15.18. III. 340.15 ), is suspected by V. P. Limaye ( against Kaiyala's derivation to be developed out of adhahpuruşa” one who looks down upon others, or treats others with contempt."11.2
III. Syncopation ( and Haplology) : 1. dh + dh > dh ( 8.3.13 dho dhe lopah).
Thus, lih + ta > lidh+ļa ( 8.2.31 ) >lidh+dha ( 8.2.40 ) > lidh + dha (8.4.41 ).
2. r tr=r(8.3.14 ro ri ). Thus, agnir + rathaḥ, punar + ramate etc.
3. Kty ( derives vaihinari from vahinara through vihinaraBut Kunaravāļava who followed him derives it form vihinananız- through vihinara - (M III. 317. 9f.).
IV. Syncopation : 12
(a) Loss of 'a' when followed by 'a'
The form kulata recorded by P (4.1.127 ) is derived by Ptj with the help of pararūpa sandhi (under ).
(b) Loss af 'a' whep followed by 'e'
1. It is first p who grants sa action to such forms ( 6.1.94 ) as probably in prejati (< pra + ejati ) or upelayati (upa+elayati ).
2. In the case of combinations with eva, Kty ( restricts this Sandhi to the idiomatic use of eva which does not convey certainty. Ptj supplies i heva and adyeva as examples, kveva bhokşyase could be one more.
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