Book Title: Proceedings of the Seminar on Prakrit Studies 1973
Author(s): K R Chandra, Dalsukh Malvania, Nagin J Shah
Publisher: L D Indology Ahmedabad
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(c) Loss of a' when followed by 'o'
1. The same rule of P (6.1.94) gives sanction to such forms as probably upoşati (<upa + oșati) or proşati (pra + oşati).
2. Kty ( gives optional sanction to such combinations when otu or oştha is the second member. Examples supplied by Ptj are sthulotu and bimbosthi.
3. P sanctions this combination when the second member is om or it begins with the upasarga a (6.1.95). Examples could be kom ity avocat or adyoḍha.
V. Compensatory Lengthening
1. (Refer to III. 1 above,) Thus, lidhaḥ, agni rathaḥ, etc.
2. (Refer to III. 2 above.) Thus, puna ramate.
3. The formation of nitta from 1.2' above may be seen.
4. Kty (, 4) derives soḍan, şoḍaśa and sodha by changing şaş into so.
5. Kty ( derives the forms, duḍaśa, dūņasa, duḍabha and dudhya, by (1) changing r of dur into u and (2) cerebralising the following consonant. This is obviously a case of the dropping of r and lengthening the preceding vowel to compensate for that.
1. Epenthesis 18
1. (nava > nutna alternating with nu+tana (Kty: 2. pratna alternating with pra + tana (Kty: The latter form is post-Vedic.
3. Bharuja (Nir 2.2; bharujt, in AV-S 2.24.8 and AV-P 2.42.6) is derived by Kty (1.1.47,3) from bharj- with the insertion of u(m).
4. marici (Veda) also is derived by Kty there from marc- with the insertion of (m).
5. A large number of past passive participles and other forms are had, either necessarily or optionally, with the link-vowel, technically called it or iḍagama. Cf. pavita, pavitum, pavitavyam.
6. It is also seen sometimes before ra ( in the Vedic medhira or rathira, or before snu (3.2.136-38) as in alamkariṣṇu or bhaviṣṇu etc.
7. u as a link-vowel occurs sometimes before ka (5.1.103) as in kärmuka, before the primary ra (3.2:161f.) as in bhangura, bhasura, medura vidura, bhidura, chidura, or before the secondary ra (5.2.106) as in dantura,
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