Book Title: Niryavaliyasuyakhandha Commentary
Author(s): Srichandra, Royce Wiles
Publisher: Royce Wiles

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Page 89
________________ Angas vāyangasuttam [323)-480.-1. parisistam Sthānāngasūtrāntargatavisistaśabdasūcih [481]-581.-2. Sthānāngasūtrāntargatānām gāthārdhānām akārādikramah (582)-586.3. Sthānānga-Samavāyāngasūtrāņām parasparam tulā (587)-589.-4. Bauddhapālitripitakatulā [extracts from Anguttaranikāya and Puggalapannatti, Nālanda edition) (590)645.-5. Sri Samavāyāngasūtrāntargatavisistaśabdasūcih (646)-705.-6. Samavāyāngasūtrāntargatānām gāthārdhānām akārā dikramah (706)-710.-7. SthānāngaSamavāyāngasüträņām parasparam Agamādikatipayaśāstrāntarais ca tula (711)-749.8. Katipayāni višistāni tippaņāni (750)-775.-Pathāntarāņām vrddhipatrakam (corrections, improved readings, readings collected afterwards from MSS like 'je.'] [776)783.–Suddhipatrakam 784-93. Sources: The edition of the sūtra is based on four palm-leaf manuscripts-Je.' indicates two manuscripts from Jaisalmer (1982 catalogue no. 7, p. 2), samvat 1486 [1429), and a second one containing the Sthānāngasūtravrtti (1982 cat. no. 6, p. 2); 'Kha.' from the Tapa Gaccha Sangha Bhandāra preserved in the Sri Hemacandrācārya Jñāna Mandira Patan, box 73, packet no. 86; Pā.' from the Sanghavī Pādā Bhandāra also preserved in the Sri Hemacandrācārya Jñāna Mandira Patan, according to the Sanghavī Pādā Bhandāra Sūcīpatra, it is no 31/2—and five paper MSS "Lā.1 to 5' from the L. D. Institute, Ahmedabad (LD no.s only given for: 2 = 7020, 3 = 28 010, 4 = 12 907) and the printed edition of Thāna. 1918-20. (described in Gujarātī on p. 38-39 = in English p. 61-63 (1st group)). In addition three palm leaf manuscripts of Abhayadeva's tīkā—two from the Jinabhadrasuri Jñāna Bhandāra, Jaisalmer 'Je.l' and 'Je.2' (cat. no.s 6 and 7); one from the Sri Hemacandrācārya Jñāna Mandira Patan (cat. no. 38) and three paper MSS two from the Sri Hemacandrācārya Jñāna Mandira Patan 'A.' (Box 244, no. 10 461, samvat 1613 [1556) and 'H' (Box 213, no. 9 995); and 'B.' details unknown to the editors (described in Gujarātī on p. 37 = in English p. 60). "[We have mostly accepted in the body of the text those [readings that have been accepted by Abhayadevasūri" (p. 56 (1st group)). ANU BL1312.3.753 1985 1985b Sthānāngasūtram Samavāyāngasūtram ca : dvādaśāngyām trtiyam caturtham ca / Pancamaganadhara-Bhagavatsudharmasvāmiviracitam; Ācāryapravaraśrīabhayadevasūriviracitavșttisamalankstam ; sampādakāḥ samsodhakāśca Ācāryamahārājaśrīsāgarānandasūrīśvarāḥ ; Munirājaśrīpunyavijayajīmahārājasangrhītaprācīnasāmagryādyanusāram vihitena śuddhipatrakeņa tathā aparair api nānāvidhaiḥ parisistādibhiḥ pariskartā ; Munih Jambūvijayah. 1. samskarana. Dilli : Motilāla Banarasidasa Indolajikala Trasta, 1985. 38. 411, 5, 150 p. ; 29 cm. (Lālā Sundaralāla Jaina Agamagranthamālā , bhāga 2). Contents: Prakāśaka-vijñaptih [5]. [Donor details 7-10).-(Dedication 11]. - Granthānukramaḥ[13].—Prastāvanā-parisistopayukta granthasūciḥ sanketavivaranam ca [14-15).-Prastāvanā (Sanskrit) / Muni Jambūvijaya 17-20.-Navāngīvșttikstām Acāryapravaraśríabhayadevasūrīnām jīvanavrttam : Abhayadevaprabandhah [from Prabhācandra's Abhayadevaprabandha) (21)-25.—Śrīabhayadevasūriprabandhah ["iti purātanaprabandhasangrahe"] [26].—Śrīsthānāngasūtrasya visayānukramah [27]–38.Śrīsthānāngasūtra [1]–352.- [Parisiştāni. 1. Suddhipatrakam (page numbers 352-360 missing from copy used)] <353-365.-2. Sthānāngasūtrāntargatānām gāthārdhānām akārādikramah (366)-370.-3. Sri Abhayadeva sūriviracitāyām Sthānāngavrttāv uddhrtānām pāthānām yathopalabdhi mūlasthānanirdesena saha akārādikramah (371)411.- ... Samavāyāngasūtrasya visayānukramah [1]-5.-Śrīmatsamavāyāngasūtram [1]–107.—Samavāyāngasūtrasya pari iştāni. 1. Suddhipatrakam [111]-134.–2. Samavāyāngatīkāntargatā visistā ullekhāḥ (135)-141.-3. "C" kosthakaspaștīkaranam [142].-4. Srisamavāyāngasūtrāntargatagāthānām akārādikramah (143)-145.Śrīsamavāyāngatīkāyām uddhrtānām pāțhānām yathopalabdhi mūlasthānanirdesena saha akārādikramah (146)-150. Reprintings of Agamodaya Samiti editions (Samav. 1918 and Thāna. 1918-20) with lists of corrections. ANU LARGE BOOK BL1312.3.753 1985 70


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