Book Title: Niryavaliyasuyakhandha Commentary
Author(s): Srichandra, Royce Wiles
Publisher: Royce Wiles
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Paryaya, see Pañcavastukaparyaya (JRK 368a; BORI Cat. 17:2, 58-59).
Avacuri (JRK 368a).
Tabbā (BORI Cat. 17:2, 42-43).
Vavahara- und Nisīha-sutta / herausgegeben von Walther Schubring. Gedruckt mit Unterstützung der Königl. Preuss. Akademie der Wissenschaften. Abhandlungen für die Kunde des Morgenlandes; 15, 1. Leipzig: F. A. Brockhaus, 1918. 72 p. ; 23 cm. [Schubring, Kleine Schriften ix-x]
Kalpa-Vyavahara-Niśītha sūtrāṇi | Vālțara Subringa namadheyena vidvadvareṇa samsodhitānām Jarmanadeśastha-Laipjiga-nagare Romanalipyām pustakānām ādhāreṇa Devanagarākṣaraiḥ prakaṭīkṛtāni. Punyapattane [Pune] : Jaina Sahitya Samsodhaka Samiti, Vīranirvāṇābda 2449. I. sa. 1923. Vikramābda 1979. 67 p. ; 25 cm. (Jaina Sahitya Samsodhaka granthamālā).
Contents: Kappasuttam [1]-15.-Vavaharasuttam [16]-34.-Nisīhasuttam [35]-62.— Kalpasūtrasya pāṭhāntarāņi. [63].-Vavahārasūtrasya pāṭhāntarāṇi [63]-65.Niśīthasūtrasya pāṭhāntarāṇi [65]–66. - Asuddhi-samsodhanam 67.
BORI 90 (A) and LD 7398 *[Devanagarī version of Schubring's Vava.1918 with Gujarātī translation]/Jīvarāja Ghelābhar Dośī. Ahmadābāda, 1925. (The Sacred books of the Jains). [JSBI 2, [257] item 'i'] *LD 12 194 1925-28 Śrī Vyavahāra-sūtram : Bhadrabāhūddharita-mūlasūtram Niryukti-sametam, ... -bhāṣyam Śrīman-Malayagiri-viracita-vivarana-sametam/samsodhako Muni Māneka [or Manikyah]. [Ahmedabad] : Vakil Keśavlal Premcand [Modī]. samvat 1982-85. Sane 1925-28. 12 v. ; 13 x 27 cm. [CLIO 4, 3081; Schubring 1955, 297 = Kleine Schriften, 321; Tripathi 1981, 328]
Reprint. Nendeln, Liechtenstein, 1966. Text only in Devanagarī, Nīs. 1923. Contents: [Vorwort] [5]-11.-Vavahara-suttam [12]-36.-Nisīha-suttam [37]-72. Based on two MSS: Berlin ms.or.fol.1038; 2395; Malayagiri's Tikā 737; 738. ANU PJ5.D5 Bd. 15, Nr.1 Vyavahara sutra / Amolaka Rṣiji Mahārāja kṛta Hindī bhāṣānuvāda sahita. Sikandarabada (Dakṣiņa): Jaina Śāstroddhāra Mudrālaya, 1918. 180 p.; 13 x 23 cm.
Publisher varies. "The publication was released in twelve bundles of pothī format, cach having its own foliation." The numbering of bhasya verses is defective, only some bundles are called bhaga or vibhāga, some apparently have no title-page (Tripathi 1981, 32829).
Contents: Bundle 1: folia 62. Pithikā.-2. 99. Uddeśa 1.-3. 139. Uddeśa 1.-4. 3, 87. Uddeśa 2.-5. 73. Uddeśa 3.-6. 104. Uddeśa 4.-7. 29. Uddeśa 5.-8. 72. Uddeśa 6.9. 4, 95. Uddeśa 7.-10. 60, 3. Uddeśa 8.-11. 23. Uddeśa 9.-12. 114. Uddeśa 10. (folios 94-114 Upasamhāra) (Tripathī 1981, 328).
Some title-pages have "Prata 625."
Reprints the text of Vava. 1918, adding the bhāṣya and ṭīkā (Caillat 1968, 151). ?= Bhavnagar, 1926 [1927], 1928. (Schubring 1944, 39; Balbir 1993, 25). Bruhn mentions corrections to the numbering of this edition (1996, 47).
BORI 38 144, 38 119 *LD 6129-40, Pa. 16 008, 16009, 16011-17, 16 108 1953-54 Suttagame / carimatitthayara-pañcamagaṇahara-Suhammāyariyaviraie ; [sutthurūvena] Pupphabhikkhuṇā sampādio. 1. āvṛttī. Guḍagāmva-chavanī, Pūrvapañjāba : Sirisuttagamapagāsasamii, Vīrasamvaccharam 2479–80. Vikkamavarisam 2009-11. Kaitṭhaddam 195354. 2 v.; 19 cm.
Vavaharo 2:[797]-829.
ANU BL1310.S8 1954 2 v.

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