Book Title: Niryavaliyasuyakhandha Commentary
Author(s): Srichandra, Royce Wiles
Publisher: Royce Wiles

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________________ Mūlasūtras Exegesis: Av. as embodied in Bhadrabahu's Niryukti and its commentaries. References: Balbir 1993, 38-75; BORI Cat. 17:3, 371-84; JSBI 3, 71–96. Bhadrabahu, Niryukti, The Av. is only preserved with the Niryukti, most editions give the Niryukti verses. 1 1.1 1981 or 1982 *Avasyakaniryuktiḥ / Bhadrabahusvamisugrathita; Haribhadrasūriviracitațīkālankṛtā. Mumbai: Śrī Bherulala Kanaiyālāla Koṭhārī Dharmika Trasta, 2038 [1981 or 1982]. 2 v. ; 30 cm. [CRL catalogue] Includes Avassaya in Prakrit. Contents v. 1: Sāmāyikadhyayana sampurnam. v. 2 Seṣādhyayanapañcakarupā. Commentaries on the Niryukti alone 1.1.2 1989 Niryukti-sangrahaḥ / Bhadrabāhusvāmiviracitaḥ; sampadakaḥ samsodhakaś ca Śrījinendrasūri. Prathamāvṛttih. Lākhābāvala, Santipurī, Saurāṣṭra: Śrī Harṣapuṣpāmṛta Jaina granthamālā, Vīra sam. 2515. Vikrama sam. 2045. San 1989. 20, 600 p. ; [1] plate; 19 cm. (Śrī Harṣapuṣpāmṛta Jaina granthamālā ; 159). 1.1.3 Avasyakaniryuktiḥ. 1-189. "750 Pratayaḥ." Printed. Av.1916-17 [= 1981 or 1982]; 1928-29; 1928-36; 1939-49. Also printed with Jñanasagara's Avacūrṇi 1965. Commentaries on the ViAvBhā. 1.1.1 ANU BL1310.4 B432 1989 Jinabhadra Gani, Viseṣāvasyakabhāṣya, (ViĀvBhā.) 3 603 Prakrit gāthās, a commentary on the AvNi. rather than the Av. itself. It covers only about half of the verses that contains (Balbir 1993, 75). [BORI Cat. 17:3, 464-80]. Reference: JSBI 3, 138-201. Printed ViAvBhā.1911-14. Jinabhadra and Kotyācārya, Viseṣāvaśyakabhāṣyavṛtti (JRK 431). This text survives as a single MS in Patan. [JSBI 3, 355-58] Printed. ViAvBhā. 1966-68; <1972->. Kotyācārya (Leumann prefers to name this author Śīlānka). [BORI Cat. 17:3, 467-69; JSBI 3: 378-79] Printed. ViAvBhā. 1936-37; ViAvBhā. 1972 (partial edition) Hemacandra Maladhārin, Siṣyāhitā [JSBI 3: 444-46; Balbir 1993, 80] pupil of Abhayadeva Sūri of the Harṣapurīya Gaccha, Bhāṣyavṛtti-ṭīkā, 28 000 granthas, composed samvat 1175 [1118]. Begins: śrīsiddharthanarendra. [BORI Cat. 17:3, 470-80]. Printed. ViAvBhā. 1911-14; ViAvBhā. 1963 [=ViAvBhā. 1982 or 1983]. Extracts printed in ViAvBha.Partial edition. 1941-51. It seems a Gujarāti translation based on this was published in ViĀvBhā. 1924-27. 1963 *[Hemacandra's cty]. Ahmedabad: Divya Darśana Karyalaya, Vī. samvat 2489 [1963]. An uncritical edition, with no indication of sources used. Three volumes with separate pagination: prathama bhāga anka 1; prathama bhāga anka 2; dvitīya bhāga (Balbir 1993, 81). Editions (ViAvBhā): 1911-14 Śrījinabhadraganikṣamāśramaṇapadaviracitam Viseṣāvasyakabhāṣyam Maladhāriśrīhemacandrasuriviracitayā Siṣyāhitānāmnyā Bṛhadvṛttya vibhūṣitam / HaragovindadāsaBecaradasabhyam samsodhita. Benares: Dharmabhyudaya Press, Vīra 2437-41 [191114]. 8 v. [1360, 263 p.]; 14 x 24 cm. (Yasovijaya-Jaina-grantha-mālā ; 25, 27, 28, 31, 33, 35, 37, 39). [CLIO 1, 243; Schubring 1935 $55; JSBI 3, 138; Tripathi 1975, 106]2 2 The volume held in the BORI (call number 29 183), which has no title-page, seems to be just the final 263 pages of this edition: Śrījinabhadraganiksamasramaṇaviracitam Śrīviseṣāvasyakabhāṣyam. p.1-263; 18 x 28 cm. Colophon: iti mulabhāgasahitam Viṣesavasyakabhāṣyamulam samaptam. Pages 1-208 have a vertical border down each side of the page of small repeated dark ovals each containing a figure like a white 'x' with a dot above and below it. From p. 209 onwards this changes to black diamonds with a white ring enclosing a black dot. Occasional footnotes eg. p. 1 "I. 'dārāim' /2 'āvassaya" ... ": p. 262 "1. "thiya' /2. 'gijjho'/..." 220


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