Book Title: Niryavaliyasuyakhandha Commentary
Author(s): Srichandra, Royce Wiles
Publisher: Royce Wiles

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________________ Mūlasūtras mālā, Vīra sam. 2515. Vikrama sam. 2045. San 1989. 20, 600 p. ; [1] plate ; 19 cm. (Śrī Harsapuspämsta Jaina granthamälä ; 189). "750 Pratayah." Srīmati Oghaniryuktih [190]–265. ANU BL1310.4 B432 1989 1991-94 Bollée, Willem B. Materials for an edition and study of the Pinda- and Oha-nijjuttis of the Svetāmbara Jain tradition. Stuttgart : Franz Steiner, 1991-94.2 v. ; 24 cm. (Beiträge zur Südasienforschung Südasien-Institut Universität Heidelberg : Band 142, 162). v. 1 Pāda index of the Pinda- and Oha-Nijjutti), xv, 160 p. v.2 Text and glossary, xiii, 418 p. Contents v.1: Preface, vii-viii.-Abbreviations. x-xi.- Introduction xiii-xiv.-The order of the Prākrit letters used in this book. xv.-Pāda index of the Pinda- and Oha-Nijjutti. 1-160. Contents v.2: Preface vii-ix.-Abbreviations xi-xiii. Pinda-and Ohanijjutti with Bhāşya 1-104. Glossary 105–388.—Bibliography 389-396.-Appendix: Index to R. N. Shriyan Mahāpurāņa of Puşpadanta. Ahmedabad, 1969. 397-418. ANU BL1313.9.P569 B64 1991 [v.1). Propose v.2. Review v. 1: Nalini Balbir BEI 9 (1991) 283-84; *A. Mette WZKS 36 (1992) 236-37 [BEI 11-12 (1993-94), 472] Review v. 2: Nalini Balbir BEI 11-12 (1993-94) 472-74. Review article v. 1-2: K. R. Norman The Jain nijjuttis Acta Orientalia 58 (1997) 52–74. Corrigenda published p. 194-97 in The Nijjuttis on the seniors of the Svetâmbara Siddhanta : Āyāranga, Dasaveyāliya, Uttarajjhāyā and Sūyagada : text and selective glossary / Willem B. Bollée. Stuttgart : Franz Steiner, 1995. ix, 197 p. 24 cm. (Beiträge zur Südasienforschung Südasien-Institute Universität Heidelberg : Band 169). "This volume is intended as an aid for further studies of the Pinda- and Oha-Nijjuttis as begun by Adelheid Mette with her Pind'esaņā (Mainz 1974 [ = Ogha Ni.Partial edition.1973]). It lists for the first time the quarter stanzas of two Nijjuttis dealing with the Jain ascetics' daily alms-round (OhaNi.) and the transgressions they may incur during these (Pinda Ni.) in order to facilitate a comparison of these two texts with each other and with other Nijjuttis of a similar content ... and ... to facilitate the identification of quotations" (Bollée 1991-94:1, vii). *[C]ontains the metrically and sometimes graphically corrected pothi text [from Pind.1918; 1958; Oha Ni.1957; 1974]. Some errors in the former have been removed, and the stanzas critically edited by Adelheid Mette (Piņdesaņā =Ogha Ni.Partial edition. 1973, p. 11 n. 35; 29) have, for the most part, been adopted. As a "computercompatible working text it is meant to be a reference basis for the glossary, the latter only being the main object here" (v.2, vii). Partial editions: 1974 Pind'esaņā: das Kapitel der Oha-nijjutti über den Bettelgang: übersetzt und kommentiert / von Adelheid Mette. Mainz : Akademie der Wissenschaften und der Literatur, 1974. 242 p. ; 24 cm. (Abhandlungen der Geistes- und Sozialwissenschaftlichen Klasse, Jahrgang 1973, Nr. 11). Text edition of v. 331-595 (bhā. 192-298). Based on OghaNi.1919 and OghaNi.1957, a handwritten compilation by Leumann (based on 3 MSS from Berlin-Berl. Ms. or.fl. 1067, Berl. Ms.or.f1.720, Berl. Ms.or.fl. 1068—and one from Poona-Poona Ms. 1880/1 No. 9 see Kapadia, 1.1.p. 494f. No. 1125.); 2 palmleaf MSS from Patan (Cat. p. 378, no. 61; p. 385, no. 28); 1 palmleaf from Jaisalmer, samvat 1491; 1 paper MS from the collection of Punyavijaya, Ahmadabad, samvat 1572. (p. 150). Text established here taken into Ogha Ni. 1991-94. ANU PK5003.A58P5 1974 Indexes: Nandyādigāthādyakārādiyuto vişayānukramaḥ : Srīnandi-Anuyogadvāra-AvasyakaOghaniryukti-Dasavaikālika-Pindaniryukti-Uttarādhyayanānām sütrasūtragăthāniryukti 240


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