Book Title: Niryavaliyasuyakhandha Commentary
Author(s): Srichandra, Royce Wiles
Publisher: Royce Wiles

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Page 139
________________ 2.1 UVAVAIYA (Uvav.) Title: Uvavāia; Aupapātika (Skt). Content: "The first part describes the departure of Mahāvīra for the Punnabhadda shrine, and the pilgrimage of King Kuniya Bhimbhasāraputta to the same place, in order to hear Mahāvīra's sermon ... In the second part, which has no connection whatsoever with the first, Goyama Indabhūti journeys to the Master, in order to question him regarding the various re-births" (Winternitz 1933:2, 454). References: JSBI 2,7-33; BORI Cat. 17:1, 167-73; Schubring 1935 847.1. Exegesis: Abhayadeva, Vrtti composed samvat 1115 (1058). Printed. Uvav. 1879; 1916 [=1937); 1985. Amstacandra Sūri, Bālāvabodha. Printed Uvav. 1879. 3 Dharmasi, Stabaka, 18th cent. V.S. (Uvav.1987, 63 (first group)). Editions: 1879 Sri Ubabāīsūtra : prathama upanga / Ganadhara Sri Sudharmmā Svāmī kļta mülasutra, taduparī Şaratharagache Sri Abhayadeva Surī kệta tīkā : taduparī Lupakagache Śrī Amrtacandra Suri krta Balasvalbodha ; Sri Satyavrata ke dvārā samsodhita hokara. Kalakattā : Sri Satyavrata, samvat 1936 (1879). [2], 164 [ie 4, 364) p. ; 12 x 31 cm. (Śrīyuta Rāya Dhanapatisimha Bāhādura kā Āgamasangraha ; 12). [Schubring 1935 $47. CLIO 1, 238; Univ. of Chicago Library catalogue]2 "Yaha 500 pustaka Rāya Dhanapatisīmgha Bahādura ke tarapha se bhandāra karane ku [sic] chapī. Rījaştari hui hai." Date from end of Hindi preface by publisher. Pätan 563 1882 *Das Aupa pâtika Sûtra, erstes Upânga der Jaina. 1. Theil, enthaltend Einleitung mit Inhaltsangabe und vom Texte $81-38:(Der philosophischen Facultät der Universität Leipzig zur Erlangung der Doktorwürde) / vorgelegt von Ernst Leumann. Leipzig : G. Kreysing, 1882. 50 p. (See Uvav.1883). [Emeneau $3931] Contains the introduction and text of the first 38 chapters (Guérinot 1906 $231). 1883 Das Aupapâtika Sûtra, erstes Upânga der Jaina. 1. Theil. [all published] Einleitung, Text und Glossar / von Ernst Leumann. Leipzig : F. A. Brockhaus, 1883. [6), 166 p. ; 20 cm. (Abhandlungen für die Kunde des Morgenlandes ; 8,2). [CLIO 1, 238; Guérinot 1906 $231] Contents: Einleitung mit Inhaltsangabe 1–20.- [Text] [21]-90.-Glossar [91]–163.Nachwort [1641-165.-Druckfehler 165-66. "[Leumann's beautiful edition of the Aupapātikasūtra ... the work is noteworthy on account of the presence of nearly all the important Varņakas which are often referred to in other parts of the canon. The glossary brings many new explanations of words in ArdhaMāgadhi" (Ghatage 1942, 166). Text based on eight MSS (1-5 with the text, 3,5-8 with ctys), the first two belonging to Hermann Jacobi (1) A. of 59 leaves; (2) B. samvat 1658, 36 leaves; five from the Staatsbibliothek in Berlin (3) D. MS no. 1000, samvat 1674, 57 leaves, text with Prakrit cty of Pārsvacandra; (4) Q. MS no. f1.637, samvat 1612, 41 leaves (5) B. fl. 646, 72 leaves, with Abhayadeva's cty. The following with Abhayadeva's cty only (6) f1.1001 1 Uvangasuttāņi 4:2 (1989, 13) mentions an edition of Uvav. perhaps by Yuvācārya Mahāprajña, but provides no details. 2 The copy in the British Library is missing p. 17-32. The Pāța copy seen (Hemacandra Jain Bhāndār) is bound between boards without a solid spine, and the head, foot and leading edge of the pages have been rather indifferently marbled with a combed pattern (colours used are red, yellow, blue and a darker colour perhaps dark green or black). In the same collection I saw another copy of this work in poorer condition) bound identically and with the same coloured boards (a light plum colour) and marbling, which suggests the binding is original.


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