Book Title: Niryavaliyasuyakhandha Commentary
Author(s): Srichandra, Royce Wiles
Publisher: Royce Wiles

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________________ India Office Library with the same anonymous cty as (1) above—and Causar.1927, 1-5a. 1984> <1987> Causarana, Painnayasuttāim JĀS 17 (Part I), p. 309-11. Edition seems to be taken from the palm leaf manuscript belonging to the Jinabhadrasūri Jaina Jñana Bhandāra, Jesalmer and bearing the serial number 151 ... folios 29–33" (A. M. Bhojak, English Introduction p. 86). Translations: English: 1974 K. R. Norman (Causar.1974) Gujarāts: 1902 (Causar.1902) Kusalāņubandhiajjhayaņa. See also Causarana 1984><1987>Kusalāņubandhiajjhayaņa. Paiņnayasuttāim JĀS 17 (Part I), p. 298–304.Edition based on six manuscripts [the oldest being from the 16th cent. Vikram] (English Introduction 86, see also p. 119). 3.9 Devindatthaya (Dev Tha.) "The Dev Tha.) in 300 verses contains a classification ... of gods according to their groups, residences, etc." (Winternitz 1933:2, 460). Five gāthās [of this text] (258-62) are available in the printed text" (of the Süryaprajñaptisütra published by the Agamodaya Samiti, Surat 1919).—"This or that gāthā of this Prakīrņaka is found in the Jyotişkarandaka, Sūryaprajñapti and Avasyakaniryukti." [1984<<1987> JAS 17, English introduction p. 82] Title: Devendrastava (Skt). Editions: 1886 *Atha Dasapayannā mūlā sūtra prārambhaḥ / Ganadhara Sudharma Svāmi sankalitamūla sutra : Tandulavayāli 24, Devinddastava 25, Ganivijā 26, Causarana 27, Santhāra 28, Aurapaccarakāņa 29, Bhattaparijñāna 30, Candravijjā 31, Mahāpaccarakana 32, Maranavibhatti 33 ; Pratāpaji karake samsondhita (sic). Banārasa : Jaina Prabhākara Presa, Samvat 1942. [Isavī] 1886. 73 [i.e. 146] p. ; 13 x 32 cm. (Śrīyuta Rāya Dhanapatisimha Bāhādura kā Āgamasangraha 24–33). [Univ. of Chicago Library catalogue] "Édition collective des dix paînnas, avec commentaire et gloses" (Guérinot 1906 $239). "[E]asily the worst text ever printed in India-so hopelessly faulty that large portions remain wholly unintelligible" (Alsdorf 1966 Utt. study 207nl)."[L]e text ... est très corrompu, pratiquement incompréhensible sans le secours des manuscrits ou d'autres éditions. Consulté à la lumière de ces derniers, il fournit des indications utiles, confirme telle tradition ou telle interprétation" (Caillat, Cand. 1971, 19). 1927 Śrutasthavira sūtritam Catuhsaranādimaranasamādhyantam Prakīrņakadaśakam chāyāyutam. Bomday (sic) : Shree Agamoday Samiti, Vīra sam. 2453. Vikrama sam. 1983. San 1927. (Agamodaya Samiti, 46). Contents: Causar. la-5a-AuraPacc. 5a-10a.-MahaPacc. 106-19a.-BhattaP. 19b31a-Tand. 31b-53a.-Samth. 53-61a. Gacchā. 616-70b.—Gani Vi. 705-75b. Dev Tha. 76a-96a.-Marana Vi. 96a-142b. BORI 3886/X.B. Jaina texts 1984–<1987> Devindatthaya, Paiņnayasuttāim JĀS 17 (Part 1), p. 3–34. Edition based on seven manuscripts (English introduction page 82] 1988 Devindatthao =Devendrastava: Muni Punyavijayaji dvārā sampādita mūlapāha/anuvādaka aura vyākaramātmaka-viślesaņa Subhāșa Kothārī, anuvāda sahayoga Sureśa Sisodiyā. 1. samskarana. Udayapura : Āgama-Ahimsa-Samatā evam Prāksta Samsthāna, 1988. lxxi, 151 p. ; 22 cm. (Agama Samsthāna granthamālā ; 1). Contents: Bhūmikā /Sāgarmala Jaina, Subhāsa Kothārī [Includes a number of passages treating similar topics extracted from other works and printed parallel to the text of the Devindatthao) ix-lxxi.- [Text from DevTha.1984_<1987>, plus variants, but without the 157


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