Book Title: Niryavaliyasuyakhandha Commentary
Author(s): Srichandra, Royce Wiles
Publisher: Royce Wiles

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Page 163
________________ (Niraya Su.) Content: Accounts of lives showing the relationship between actions and their outcomes, in some cases breaches of monastic discipline and their result. Five sections: Nirayavaliyão (Niraya); Kappiya or Kappavaḍimsiyão (Kappi.); Pupphiyão (Pu.); Pupphaculão (PuCū.); Vanhidasão (VaD).1 Reference: Winternitz 1933:2, 457-58; JRK 213; BORI Cat. 17:1, 245-57; Schubring 1935 §48.8; JSBI 2, 129-38. Exegesis. 1 2 3 4 Editions:2 1885 2.8-12 NIRAYAVALIYASUYAKKHANDHA 1918 1922 Śricandra, pupil of Dhanesvara, pupil of Sīlabhadra, Ṭīkā, composed in samvat 1228 [1171], 605, 650, 737 or 637 granthas (JRK 213). Printed. NirayaSu. 1885; 1922; 1934; 1938. Translated into Gujarātī NirayaSu.1933 or 1934. Ṭabbā, 1100 granthas, (BORI Cat. 17:1, 252-53). Is this the same as the tabbā by Dharmasī = Dharmasimha cited in NirayaSu. 1987-89 (p. 36)? Paryaya, (BORI Cat. 17:1, 254), attributed to Candrakīrti in one prasasti from Khambhat (samvat 1212) but there may be different works with the same name (Punyavijaya, Prastāvanā Nandi. 1966b, 10-12). The BORI manuscript contains a short text entirely extracted from Śrīcandra's work listed above. Bālavabodha, (BORI Cat. 17:1, 254-56). Nirayavaliyā sūtra prārambhaḥ : bhāga 19 Kappiyā, 20 Kappaviḍamsiyā 21 Pupphiyā, 22 Pupphacula, 23 Banhidasa / Śrī Gaṇadhara Sudharma Svāmi sankalita sutra, tadupari Candra Sūri krta Samskṛta tīkā ; Sadaranga kṛta bhāṣā tīkā yuta; Pandita Viśvanatha ji se samsodhita. 1. daphe. Banarasa : Jaina Prabhakara Presa, samvat 1941. San 1885 Isavī. 85 [ie. 170] p. ; 13 x 31 cm. (Śrīyuta Raya Dhanapatisimha Bahadura kā Āgamasangraha; 19-23). "500 Jainabuk Susăiți se, 500 Raya Dhanapatisimha Bā[hadur se]." "1000 pustakai" LD 13 717 Niriyavalikādi pāñca sūtra / Amolaka Rṣiji Mahārāja kṛta Hindi bhāṣānuvada sahita. Sīkandarābāda (Dakṣina): Jaina Sastroddhara Mudralaya, 1918. 180 p. ; 13 x 23 cm. "Prata 1000." ANU IN PROCESS March 1997 Śrīnir[a]yāvalikāsutram/ Śrīcandrasuriviracitavṛttiyutam; Danavijayaganibhiḥ samsodhitam. Amadāvāda (rajanagara)madhye [Ahmedabad]: Rajanagarastha Śrīvīrasamājaḥ, Vīrasamvat 2448. Vikramasamvat 1979. San 1922. 42 [ie. 84] p.; 12 x 26 cm. (Śrīvīrasamājagrantharatnam; 2). Printed: "Yuniyanaprintingapre samadhye." Although this edition says nothing about its sources, it does give a dozen or so variants for both the mula and the cty. In one instance the textual notes on the mula cite sources 'a, ka, ca' (34b). Similarly: ... iti vā pāṭhah (1b); pra[tyantare] (5b, 26a, 27a, 31a, 38a); ... bahuṣvadarseṣu drśyate (37a). Deleu adds that "this edition... is, even more than the other Agamodaya-Samiti editions uncritical and full of inaccuracies" (1969, 78). ANU PAMPHLET BL1312.6.N57 1922 The BORI copy has an identical title-page except for the publication statement: 1 Sanskrit forms would be: Nirayavali, Kalpavatamsikāḥ, Puspikāḥ, Puspaculikāḥ, Vṛṣṇidaśaḥ. 2 An edition by Atmārāmaji was listed in Nandi. 1966c (19 (1st group)). I have not, however, traced any other details. This may have been a first edition of what is listed below as *NirayaSu.1994.


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