Book Title: Niryavaliyasuyakhandha Commentary
Author(s): Srichandra, Royce Wiles
Publisher: Royce Wiles

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________________ 1960 1969 1975 1978 1985 2.8-12 Nirayavaliyāsuyakkhandha Śrī Nirayāvālikāsūtram = Niriyavalikasutram : Hindīgurjarabhāṣānuvadasahitam/Ghāsīlālaji Mahārāja-viracita-Sundarabodhinītīkāsamalankṛtam; niyojakaḥ Śrīkanhaiyālālajā Mahārājaḥ. Rājakota, Sauraṣṭra: A[khila] Bha[rata]. Śve[tāmbara] Stha[nakavāsi]. Jainaśāstroddhāra-Samiti, Vīra samvat 2486. Isvīsan 1960. Vikramasamvat 2013. 2, 8, 44 [=list of donors], 374 p. ; 25 cm. Reprint of Niraya. 1948. RW Jozef Deleu. Nirayavaliyasuyakkhandha: Uvanga's 8-12 van de jaina canon, Orientalia Gandensia 4 (1969) [77]-150. Contents: Inleiding [including key to the java passages] [77]-95.-Nirayavaliyāsuyakkhandha [original text with notes] 96-143.-Varianten 144-45.- Woordenlijst 146.-Eigennamen 147-48.-Summary. 149-50. Critical edition of the text based solely on printed editions (NirayaSu.1885; 1922: 1932; 1953-54; Niraya.partial edition. 1879). Introduction and notes in Dutch, list of sources for jāva abbreviations, two pages of variants, an index of unusual words and one of proper names. Translation. 1996. Nirayavaliyasuyakkhandha: Uvangas 8-12 of the Jain canon : introduction, text-edition and notes: translated from the Dutch by / J. W. de Jong and Royce Wiles. Tokyo: The Chuō Academic Research Institute, 1996. 86 p.; 30 cm. (Philologica Asiatica : Monograph series; 10). Contents: Preface 7.-Bibliography 9-15.-List of alterations 16-18.-Abbreviations 18. Introduction [19]-36.-Nirayavaliya-suyakkhandha [37]-81.-Word list [83].— Proper names [84]. Summary [85]-86. Review: Nalini Balbir 13-14 (1995-96) 546-47. ᎡᎳ Śrī Nirayāvalikā-sūtra : Vasanta ṭīkā samalankṛta / vivecaka Muniśrī Bhagavatīlāla jī Mahārāja 'Nirmala.' Udayapura, Rajasthāna: Śrī Varddhamana Jaina Jñānapīṭha, Vīrābda 2500 [1975]. 18, 288 p. ; 1 leaf of plates. ; ill. 22 cm. (Varddhamāna Jaina Jñānapīṭha ; pushpa nam. 8). No mention of MSS in the introductory essays, text seems to be based on Vaidya's (1932) (Intro. p. 14-15). The earlier Hindi translations of Amolaka Rși (1918) and Phūlacandra (ie. Nirayāsu. Hindi translation.1959) are mentioned in a footnote (p. 15) but it is not clear whether they have been used by Muni Bhagavatīlāla. ANU PK5003.A53N58 1975 *Sri Agama-sudha-sindhu/sampadakah samsodhakas ca Jinendravijaya Gani. LakhabavalaSantipuri, Saurastra. Srijambudvipaprajnapti-Sricandraprajnapti-Srisuryaprajnapti Srimadupangapancatmaka-Srinirayavalikakhyopangastakatmakaḥ 7. vibhagah. 26, 504 p.: (Sri Harsapuspamrta Jaina granthamala ; 74). [Universität Tübingen library catalogue] Nirayavalikasutra: Kappiya, Kappavadimsiya, Pupphiya, Pupphacaliya, Vanhidasa / anuvadaka-sampadaka Devakumāra Śāstrī; mukhya sampadaka Sobhācandra Bhārilla. Byavara, Rajasthāna: Śrī Āgamaprakāśana Samiti, Vīranirvāṇa samvat 2511 [1985]. 31, 144 p. ; 26 cm. (Jināgama-granthamālā ; granthānka 21). ANU BL1312.6.N573 1985 1987-89 Uvangasuttāņi / sampadaka Yuvācārya Mahāprajña. Lāḍanum, Rājasthāna: Jaina Viśva Bhāratī, Vikrama samvat 2044-45. I[svi san]. 1987-89. 2 v. ; 25 cm. "Original text critically edited" (English title-page). (1) 'Ka.' (photoprint) of a 25 folio palmleaf MS in the Jaisalmer bhandara (Jaisalmer catalogue of Punyavijaya no. 32(5), the text preceding is dated samvat 1412); (2) 'Kha.' an undated MS in the Śrīcanda Gaṇeśadāsa Gadhaiya Pustakalaya, Saradarasahara, estimated to be from the 16th cent. samvat; (3) 'Ga.' MS of a ṭabba / tabo (p. 26, 55) by Dharmsi = Dharmasimha (p. 36), Jain Viśvabhārati manuscript library, Laḍanum, dated 1833; (4) 'Vr.' a MS of the cty from Śrīcanda Gaṇeśadāsa Gadhaiya Pustakalaya, Saradarasahara, dated samvat 1575 [1518]; (5) 'MuVr.' the text of the cty as printed in NirayaSu. 1934. (Described on p. 26 = 145


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