Book Title: Indian Antiquary Vol 59
Author(s): Richard Carnac Temple, Charles E A W Oldham, S Krishnaswami Aiyangar, Devadatta Ramkrishna Bhandarka
Publisher: Swati Publications

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Page 90
________________ THE INDIAN ANTIQUARY [ May, 1930 yac chokam ucсho sanam indriyāpām avāpya bhūmāv asapatnam ddham rajyam surānām api cadhipatyam || 8 || exam uktva Hrpikcsam Gudaketal paramtapak na yoteya iti Govindam uktvā tūsim babhūra ha || 9 || tam uvāca Hrikesah praha sann iva Bhärata senayor ubhayor madhye vipīdantam idam vacah | 10 || Sri-Bhagavän uvāca i asocyān anvasocas tvam prajñāvādāmś ca bhāgase 1 gatāsün agatāsümś ca nánusocanti panditák | 11 | svadharmam api cāveksya na vikampitum arhasi dharmyūd dhi yuddhāc chreyo 'nyat kpattriyasya na vidyate || 12 (31) || yadscchayā copa pannam svargadvāram a pāustam sukhinaḥ kṣattriyāḥ Pārtha labhante yuddham idy sam || 13 (32) || atha cet tvam imam dharmyam samgrāmam na kariqyasi tatah svadharmam kirttim ca hitvā pāpam avāpoyasi ! 14 (33) || akirttim capi bhūtāni kathayi syanti te'vyayām sambhävitasya cākirttir maraņād atiricyate || 15 (34) || bhayād ranād uparatam mameyante tvām mahārathāḥ 1 yeşām ca tvam bhumato bhütvā yāsyasi lāghavam || 16 (35) avācyavādāmsca bahūn vadisyanti tavāhitāḥ nindantas tava sāmarthyam tato duhkhataram nu kim || 17 (36) | hato vä prāpeya si srargam jitva va bhokøyase mahim ! tasmād uttiatha Kaunteya yuddhaya krtaniscayah || 18 (37) sukhaduh khe same kytvā labhalabhau jayājayau tato yudahaya yujyasta пaita papaт avapsyasi || 19 (38) || tato Dhananjayam dravā bäragandivadhārinam punar eva mahānādam vyasrjanta mahārathāh || MBh., vi, 2533 || etc. 1. “To him, who was thus filled with compassion, whose eyes were distressed and filled with tears, and who was full of despair, Madhusudana spoke these words: "The Holy One said : 2. “Whence in this perilous time did this folly84 come upon thee, meet for ignoble minds, leading to Hell, and causing disrepute, 0 Arjuna ? 3. "Yield not to unmanly behaviour, thou son of Ppthā, it is not fitting to thee. Away with that smellness of heart belonging to mean souls (lepudra)! Rise up, O Scourge of thy foes! “Arjuna said: 4. “How can I let fly my darts in battle on Bhīşma and Drona, O Madhusūdana ? Worship crave those both, 0 Arisūdana. 5. "For better it were to feed on alms in this world than to slay these highly venerable persons; were I to slay my Gurus, even if they be greedy for wealth, I should have to eat blood-gullied food.36 6. "Nor even do we know which is better for us : that we should conquer or they should conquer us. The sons of Dhrtaraştra are there in the forefront-were we to slay them we should not wish to live. 35 Kamala is generally translated by despondency' or something like that. It is, however, fairly identical with moha and means folly, illusion-Arjuna is a fool not to discern his clear and obvious duty which leads either directly to Heaven or to universal kingship (ii, 37), kaimala is spoken of as mohaja and is destroyed hetubhir mokadardanaih in MBh., i, 2, 156 (Poona ed. =i, 521 c.); it is buddhinadana. obscuring the intellect. in MBh., ii, 1662, etc. 36 The latest translation (by Hill) is far too weak here


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