Book Title: Indian Antiquary Vol 59
Author(s): Richard Carnac Temple, Charles E A W Oldham, S Krishnaswami Aiyangar, Devadatta Ramkrishna Bhandarka
Publisher: Swati Publications
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t BY PROP. SARE CHARPENSTER turha is the better part te kohala for Kalatt påhisadas the br68B8sPliin amongst those often sublime and sometimes rambling text known'as Upaniquus, drugethet with the oth redory has perhaps 4 claim to the foremost ranik ataong them at Ho has already beedil ni&nyeines Tratisme into various European languages.
It apparently belonged to that famous collection of fifty Upanişads which the unlampy Prince Muhammad Dirt Shikoho used to be translated into Persian. For, we find it in Anquetil Duperron's dwalb-known collection unsNo. XXXVII, with the bewildering, apie Kibuni. Otherwise, the oldest translation into a European language, as far as I can find, is the German one by Poley, Lc. p. 113 sqq. (1847) Other German translations are those by Böhtlingleti, end by Professor Geldner, as well.s$ one of the three first vallig by the late lamented Professor Hillebrandt There are English translations by Max Müller", by Whitney, by Humes and perhaps still others10. Further, qur, text has been translated into Italianlı, and twice into Swedish There may be translations Into other languages, too, but in that case, they have, unfortunately escaner mentre entre other languages, too, but in that
of all these translations that by Anquetii Duperron 'can' scarcely claim more than his torical interest, though we know, thanks to the researches of Dr. F. 0 Schratleri3, that his work is still not without importance for the constitution of the texto certahta mitor M gadd. Pölet's translation, on the contrary, still seems to be quite good. Certain emendations of the text wete suggested by Bühtlingk tad Whitaveig Some of thomd distoreiefage wawile ydeful, bathd Intajarity seem to the present writer far too violent to be acceptable ; and it may be sid, with all dea respect to Whitaxthat his endeyyquus in the line of textemmeridation were no salways loy chappele'a banslation makes P4Xe requins lightimply an imitation and modification of that by Whitney. However, amongst all the translation known to me there is one which stands out far above the others in penetration and clearness, viti, that by Professor Geldner, the foremost living interpreter of the Vedas. I gratefully confess that I owe very much to this excellent piece of work, and it is only with
diffidence that have ventura, upon various points de tom him. Several excellent suggestions afe also found in the translation of 'Hateblanc" which, however, is unto tunatelonincompleteord: such as I am thy diseiple and conclusions based on then ace wholly wrong of merature narekig paniga, Youtside the works already baotise, esetet i litt ragh to se mentioned hereta A few years ago, Madhva's commentary on it was edited by Dr. B.
18 . Obrerikan beberSecretum gindune);Toint X. (Strasbourg 1/802), pp. 299-327.
31 WA Berituoltokplain,this by the words : 'Samskretice, Khmihi, magnus, magni momenti : vel, Kamla thuimmat yraghimpaidananders which is slegourageposible.12 Webobotnduidib.199vigivas no explanation. I can, unfortunately, find no probable explanation. No. XXXVI in Angutil Duperpon's collections the Kookshich is there called Kin However, Colebrooke :(d. Polet. Abhandlung aber die heiligen Schriften der. Indiers p. 79) mentions the Kon 4 the 4th of the atharap pemise
d it possible that kiduni is simply: antigunderstood.rendering of Kena?
+1 On Poley, Windrich Geschichte, da Sang Hologia da PM 18 ye d hane on 19 xina Berisha, der nächrischen Gesellighafleid ing en schatten wathes 99.99 SB.), 1890, p. 127 sq.;
***Ti h olet, kellelensgeschichtlichen Bedden ropa 2023 parut mazat dhe lonun Brannahas und Upanisade om betroradio" name SBB: vol. XV;"7838 entarke that in over th e American Philological Association, XXI (1890), p. 88 sq. 187: Boon hinter sincipa Upanishadka 9419, m ko hawa w schuma Lien, dud: ED. KRAB
10. There is least 8 translation by Roer which; however, I havb'nobblerPablo tisode..... 329. The contr. Belionirillph Ea kathaka Upanishadstone Pavilo, Pikasoiko
"The Bronte, anakupihan, d ah 80% and this late Profesor K. uportahan in r ands ringtonsinew, i, 288-hay bite u Bhanuala (out
... Diszi, 257) into Con tinuedas Pote n , where the livin...tako a rather ridiculous de of themselves, Tuust certainly doux co the old posits of the op .