Book Title: Indian Antiquary Vol 59
Author(s): Richard Carnac Temple, Charles E A W Oldham, S Krishnaswami Aiyangar, Devadatta Ramkrishna Bhandarka
Publisher: Swati Publications
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[ 3LAY, 1930
About 6 in the Evening sett out for Mochook Suokta, 7 forsange, pretty good way.
Past by Agmungerd, a good caravensaroy, about 2 farsangs from Gossaw. Arrived here about 2 in the morning, an extroardin[ar]y Caravensaroy; a large hill just before the interry.
My erpences : 41 mds, barley at 1 shas. per md. .. .. 6 mds.straw at 4 goz. per md. .. .. .. .. .. .. 2. 4. wood 6 goz; Oile 4 goz.; bread 2 goz. .. to Butter 8 shas. ; Gerah 5 shas. ..
iai - 20 ao
21. 1. 21. 1. Att 4 In the Evening the 24th Sett out for Jaroone, 5 farsangs: the first two farsangs bad stoney way till you come to a small caravensaroy with a tanck of water before it ; the other 3 farsangs good smooth way. Jaroone is a large pleasant town full of Date trees; good caravensaroy, may have all things needfull for travellers,
My Expences here : 4 mds. brarley (sic) at 11 goz. per md. 7 mds. straw at 5 goa. per md.
.. .. .. 3. 5. 6 mds. wood at 5 goz. per md. 3 lambs 2 shas. 4 gox. ; Oranges 2 shas. Oile 4 goz.; Gerah 5 shas. .. ..
5. O.
3. 6.
21. 9. 21. 9. 25th (February). Att 4 Evening sett out for Chisalk, 6 farsangs; very bad way, all hills, called the hills of Jaroone. In abundance of places was forced to gett of[f] our horses and walk on foot, and in some places the way not above a foot wide upon the eidge of a heigh mountain. About the middle of the way is [a] bridge joyneing one mountain to another Arrived at our stage about 10 at night. Chitalk a good Caravensaroy but near no village.
[Expenses] 41 mds. barley at 1 shas. 1 goz. per md. .. .. .. .. .. 5.0. 6 mds.straw at 4 goz. per md. ..
. .. .. .. 2. 4. Oile 4 goz. ; bread 4 goz.; Gerah 5 shas.; Wood 4 g[oz]
6. 2.
13. 6. 13. 6. Att 4 sett out the 26th for Bonaroo, 10 farsangs; the first 2 farsangs bad way. Went over a small mountain ; at the bottom a fine small spring of good water where supped and went 2 farsangs more to Murall, pretty good way. Arrived 8 at night ; lay there in small but good caravensaroy till about I in the morning, then sett out for Bonaroo, 6 farsangs more; good way. Bonaroo, indeferent caravensaroy, but large village, lyes at the foot of severall mountains meeting togather.
[Expenses] 41 mds. barley at 11 goz. per md... 9 mds, straw at 4 goz. per md. .. grain 8 goz. ; wood 1 shas. ; Oile 4 goz. ; bread 4 g Gerah
.. .. .. .. .. .
14 9.
14 9.