Book Title: Indian Antiquary Vol 59
Author(s): Richard Carnac Temple, Charles E A W Oldham, S Krishnaswami Aiyangar, Devadatta Ramkrishna Bhandarka
Publisher: Swati Publications
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[APRIL, 1930
of white marble with large Antient Corecters at the portall. [At] a little Distance is a large heigh marble piller standing and severall others that time has ruinedit lookes as if it had been a large pallace or temple, for severall peices of building are round about it.
My expences are : 41 mds. barley at-8 goz. per md. ..
.. 3. 6. 8 mds.straw at 3 goz. per md.
... 2. 4. 6 mds. wood at 4 goz. per md. Oile, 4 goz.; Gerah, 5 shas. ..
... 5. 4.
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13. 8. was presented with a goat, fowles and fruit enough to last to Shirass [Shiraz] for which gave the Calenter ..
.. 60. O.
73. 8. 73. 8. 15th Februaryl. At noon Arrived at Sevan, 5 farsangs. The first farsang good way, the next two bad cragie way, amongst rocks and mountains, but the last 2 good way again; most of our way had a fine large brooke runing by the road, good store of game. Sevan is a large village lyeing under a hill; in the middle of the hill a Large Cave big enough to hold 3 or 400 hundred Sheep. Lay at a house, where may have fowles &o.: good water, but must fetch it a mile off.
My expences are : 41 md. brasley [sic] at 8.goz. per md.' 8 mds, straw at 3 goz. 8 mds. wood at 4 goz.
.. .. .. .. 3. 2. to the man that showed us the Cave .. Oile, 4 goz.; Gerah, 5 shas...
15. 6. 15. 6. 16th (February]. At noon came to Meercossagone, 8-farsangs from our last stage, good way. About 11 farsang from this place saw a large hill, in four places cut out like windows and abundance of carve work cut out of the rock, of men dancing round, and above them 2 or 3 men offering sacrafice. The window had a large hole where a man might creep in at. I beleive severall roomes were within, but none of the countrey people could informe me. Below the vinders in one place is a large man upon a large horse with two men more see[m]ing to fall down at the man on horse back feet, who the countrey people calls Rustam, one of their former Kings. There is abundanoe of antient Carecters cut out behind the horse, but no one in the whole countrey can read. In another place is Rustam and another man on horse back, their horses head[8] meeting, with several people behind them. Cut out in very large proportion before these images is a small house of stone. This carved mountain lyes at the intrance of the plains of Presopolis, as you come from Spahaune (Isfahan) the lower or hott way, as the Cafala (caravan) people calls it. Tis about 14 mile from Presopolis to the Northward. After you come a mile from it, may see Presopolis and this place both together. This village of Meercossagone lyes in the middle of the plain. About a League from Presopolis in a fine large plain, good arrable ground and a great dele of water runing in it. From Presopolis may count above 30 villages. Presopolis is described very well in severall books.
[Expenses] 4 mds. barley at 8 goz.
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3. 6. 8 mds.straw at 3 goz...
.. .. .. .. 2. 4. 6 mds, wood at 2 goz.
" .. .. .. 1. 2. Geral
.. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 5.0.
12. 2.
12. 2.