Book Title: Indian Antiquary Vol 59
Author(s): Richard Carnac Temple, Charles E A W Oldham, S Krishnaswami Aiyangar, Devadatta Ramkrishna Bhandarka
Publisher: Swati Publications
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MISCELLANEA. THE MEANING OF BHAVABHCŞANA | palm-leaf records of Jagannatha (vide Sir W. W.
SANTATI AND THE IDENTIFICATION OF Hunter's Orissa, vol. II, App. VII, pp. 185-87), of APARA-MANDARA IN THE RAMACARITA the Kesari kings, who are alleged to have ruled in OF SANDHYAKARA NANDI.
succession in Orissa, and numbered not less than BEAVABHORANA-SANTATI IN THE RAMACARITASI. forty-four. These records, although cortainly con. The Ramacaritam of SandhyAkara Nandi (twelfth siderably lacking in authenticity, contain, at any rate, century A.D.), after describing at length the success- a nucleus of truth about the rule in Orissa of a dynasful campaign of Ramapala, the last great emperor of ty comprising a number of kings with the surname the Pala dynasty of Bengal, against the insurgent Ketart, before the province had finally become sub. Kaivartas of Varendra (northern Bengal), and re- jugated by the Ganga prince of Kalinganagara, Anan. ferring to the construction of a city by him, called tavarma Chädaganga, in the eleventh century A.D. after his name, Ram@vati, at the confluence of the It is, however, difficult to maintain with precision Ganges and the Karstoy, introduce e verse pur. who it was that usurped possession of Utkala on the porting that be, the Pala monarch, conquered Utkala dethronement of Karnakesari. Obviously, Jaye. (Orissa) and Kaliiga, but restored the former simha himself did not. In that case, along with to the descendants of the BhavabhUşada' Utkala, his original kingdom in Dandabhukti, too, family. The verge as it is, runs thus
would have equally felt the brunt of the un. Bhavabharana-santati-bhuvan-anvjagndhajitas. Ut grateful arms of Ramapala. Jayasimha appers kalatrasi yah
only to have fought in the van of another aggressive Jagadavatiama samastan Kalirigatastán nidácharán prince against Karnakesari, and the Råmacaritam nigh nan. (III, 45.)
never records the actual possession of Utkala by Opmion differs as to the significance of the ex- Jayasimha. As for Anantavarma Chodaganga, the pression Bhavabhupana santati. In his introduction conquest of Orissa by him in the tenth century A.D. to the Ramacaritam, Mahamahopadhyâya Dr. H. P. is not yet established by any reliable evidence. This ŠAstri, who has discovered and edited the workpoint, therefore, awaite the discovery of further (Mem. A.S.B., vol. III, No. 1, p. 1 ff), regards it as material before a definite conclusion can be drawn. alluding to the Någavamis. There are others who THE IDENTIFICATION OF APARA-MANDARA. have taken it in the sense of the kings of the so- Amongst the motley of kings that temporarily join. called lunar dynasty. But consistency of facts can od together and mado common cause with Ramapala only be pronor ved if it be supposed to imply what against the revolting Kaivarts of northern Bengal, was called the Kesarf dynasty. Bhavabhaşana, or there was one Lakşmiédra of 'Apara-Mandars' (II, literally, the ornament of Bhava, an epithet of 3, Com.), the site of which has yet to be identified. MahAdova in his water presiding character, denotes 1 Mandara, the famous hill in the Bhagalpur disthe serpente, which are but the mane (kesara) of trict, and with which is associated the myths about him. Setting it in an historical background, it its being used by the gods and the demons during would be noticed that prior to the expedition of the churning of the ocean, is "situated about 30 Ramapala against the Kaivartas, the lord of Utkala miles south of the town Bhagalpur." (I.G., vol. was one Karpakesari, who was overthrown by VI, p. 289.)" It is on the eastern side of the river Jayagirbha, king of Dandabhukti and an associate Chandan, 27 miles N. of Bausi and 29 S. of Bhagal. of Ramapala in that famous expedition. Because of pur in Lat. 24° 501 N., Long. 87° 6' E." (1.4., the cognomen kebara the house of Karnakesari had vol. I, p. 46, footnote). Cunningham puts it : been, so it appears, claiming descent right from the "The famous hill of Mandar stands about 14 miles ketara (mano) of Bhava, just as the ChAlukys did off the present road from Bhagalpur to Seuri, near from the chuluka or water.vessel of Brahma
the village of Oureya........" (A.S.I., vol. VIII, While mentioning that Karpakesari was worsted p. 130.) He also supposes that Pliny's Mounte by Jayasimha, SandhyAkara Nandi otherwise desig. Malous or Mallus is probably "intended for the nates the former as aarid vallabha-kumbha-sambhava, celebrated Mount Mandar......" (Ancient Geothat is, having originated from the pitcher of the graphy of India, ed. by 8. Majumdar $Astri, p. lord of water' (cf. II, 8, Com.). This also tends to 882). In the seventh century A.D., two tanks the same conclusion. It is a most befitting concep. were caused to be excavated there by Kopadevi, tion that Mahadeva, whon viewed as a deity in consort of Adityasena of the later Gupta dynasty association with the lordship of water, should also (Fleet's 0.1.1., vol. III, p. 212). The antiquities have a pitcher on his head, instead of the serpente, and their intereste, which are not few, about that, being clotted together, ordinarily constitute the hill have been discussed at greater length by his crest and mane.
R. B. Bose (1.A., vol. I, p. 46 ff.) Curiously enough, neither the name of Karna. The expression apara-Manddra, denoting, as it does, kefart, nor that of Udyotakolarl, whose historical on the other (side) of Mandara,' is, in the present existence as a ruler of Orissa is substantiated by epi- instance, applicable to the region on the southern graphioal testimony (Ep. Ind., vol. V, App., p. 90, and south-western sides of the hill, since the northern No. 668), Occurs in the long list furnished by the side of it, which was Anga proper, was swayed over