Book Title: Indian Antiquary Vol 59
Author(s): Richard Carnac Temple, Charles E A W Oldham, S Krishnaswami Aiyangar, Devadatta Ramkrishna Bhandarka
Publisher: Swati Publications
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JULY, 1930
(The Wise Sayings of Lal Derd.) BY PANDIT AXAND KOUL, SRINAGAR, KASHMIR. (Continuerl from page 113.)
19. Las kúsey shit nimarcy :
Tran zal karey ihir. Yih kami opadesh kuruy, Phil Bhalla,
Atsitan waļas sutsitan kath dyun dhár? It (the sheep) removeth shame and dispelleth cold (by clothing made of
its wool), It eateth (and) drinketh grass (and) water. Who taught this doctrine to thee, O foolish Brahman, To give a living sheep to a lifeless stone to eat ?
20. Loluk när Lallih lolih lalunowum.
Maranay moyus tah rizas nah zaray. Rangah ratshih zátsaiy kych nak rang howum ?
Buh dapun tsolum ; kyuh sanah karay ? Ravanah manzay râvun rovum.
Ravit athih ayas bhavasaray. Asân gindan Sahazay provum.
Dapanuy karum panas saray. I, Lalla, bore the fire of love in my bosom.
Before death I died and remained not in old age. What form did I not show in my formless nature ?
I got rid of egotism. What shall I do? In the loss I lost the logs.
After getting lost I got found in the lake of existence (i.6., this world). Laughing (and) playing I found the True Nature (Siva). This matter I did ascertain for myself.
21. Mandis vidar tay vidaris sakrey.
Sakrey karak marak nah zák. Sakrey trávit karak kukrey,
Adah wakray gatshiy tah bhalak nah zah. Sickness (overtaketh) the weak and to the weak treatment (is necessary).
If thou undergoest treatment thou shalt never die. If thou, having left treatment, wilt do ill deeds,
Then thou shalt get cramped and shalt never be cured.
Mudas prunun chhuy muiwal tsidun;
Mwlas prunun chhuy muri dyun kok; Mudas prunun chhuy samudur púrun ;
Mudas prinan râviy doh. To impart instruction to a fool is tantamount to splitting a hair; To impart instruction to a fool is tantamount to piling up a
as a soreen;