Book Title: Indian Antiquary Vol 59
Author(s): Richard Carnac Temple, Charles E A W Oldham, S Krishnaswami Aiyangar, Devadatta Ramkrishna Bhandarka
Publisher: Swati Publications
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the most numerous coincidences are with texts belonging to the Yajur.
conclude from this that our pavisad, most probably belongs to that Veda kind of it which is known as the Kathar i
n a c him preserves, though with a motion, the original orig ins and keeps up! Sanskrit as its olajadier It seems to me, there thate Aryan invarters were Pls I have ulice
i refugee remnant of some 47 u civilisation and that the leaders whils t home, worked out in the
problem of a tool basis the stry of Naciketas is found als bish theyrast Br. iii, 11, 8, 1-5, a' fext which must Fundolibtedly belong to an older period than our Upanişad. We are told there that Usan Vafsrivastest gave away. Sil his earthry goods, atid that his son, young Naciketas, three times
skod his father to whom he wanted to give him33 At last 'the father answered him: "To Beath I MV thee. And with the bey'itarted for thosbotle of Death a certain (divine) 34
dido ukididiri, advising him to arrive at the house of Denth while he was absent. There "He was to stay fdoding for three nighta, kWhen Death, having returned, asked him: What
hasti ihbar etten ocho first night the was to answer. Thy offspring and likewise nettiderhinnehon d nibart Thy onttlebe and doncerning the third : " Thy good actions."
Death kappstently eated lout cafl hishiwite lapor bearing this terrible meme nowspeaks Hmm this otthda, olivenornblenokie iflua bags he,l'lchonse a boon't-" Then mallixing oftaito my fatherontinhobub w seband otheY!' Tall me therbbernal reward of specifice and
bod works Bø this he repliedya Then the boldnhibplahout this. Nådiketa fites Cher, forago this sacrificenand good works gave abundant fruit, h i t a Ghodise, a third one," he 63.i.
Tell me how to ward off (a pajita)36 recurring death", thus he-replied. Then he told him about this Naciketa fire. Then forsooth he warded off recurring death:
**** This story tallies only partly with the Kathaka U panigad. According to the latter text Uçan V&jaśre vasa-otherwise the famous Uddalaka Arumi-gave away all his eartbly goods as daksinás.37 His young son Naciketas38, when he saw the sacrificial cows being led away, was seized by longing for the heavenly worlds38 and spoke a verse: conceraing those cows, which is not to be found in the Brâhmana. Three times he asks his father to whom he is going to give him until finally the father angwers: "I give thee to Death.":40 . There must be something like a gap in our present text at this point, for the connection
is apparently broken and can only be gestored. hypothetically. Anyhow, it is quite clear 10!3jOn him at. Weber, Ind. Stud. 1, p. 207 sq. and infra..
. TIM ** That the father, after having given everything else 4 way, should at last, have to give even his own ohild Andoubtedly reminds us of the stories of Hariscandra and of the Buddhist Vessantarajätaka (Jataka 647 Jatakanāla 7 ote. But the situations are, of courso, entirely different.
34 Thus the commentary. Wh i sta púrtayor me "kritt brand The Bibbindi edition incorrectly reads me katin brun."
88 The commentary reads apacitl-probably only by misprint.
37. That probably though not necessarilkorengnu that ho had been celebrating, Asarummedha. Cu Hillebrandt, Rituglliteratur, !04: to be seen in th e last dated are insatisfactory. The Indian
analysis Naciketas (dt. Wifch X add61ada by Böhthtigk, ŞB: 1890, p. 120, of course, withidat any W o lveria Pilotostor Wildergellina Adriadex tahammari,69 kms quita Carrete Pointed *748 watthid the orth of hi4 Howed as the 2014 (989 powst. There
i n od stubut # Wolbrobeh bofound to have the same meaning, teteh nasi kelas would mean about the same
prekrokatu er, makara daugia. well-known enithetg of Kima, The Aon of Walk AMAP, of course, is peta-ketu (cf. Professor Lädera, Festscht. Windlach p.92841. Mit 18, anyhow, rertih Akih tratarockowilines,
ikydajnahagués-keluroom to enla rlo bre ky. Nákra Wheagh Protubonientligre splpurn akn, thother, sho'be identical thithjheid's cont in u e ex of ancient noinads, they seat, infra r e and Sudent and that in
SA h 49 Hillebrandt, 44 Brahmanasund Spanishadene B116, thought that we might find here an obliterated traon of a puruqamedha in connection with the giving away of all wealth. To me thie Booms fairly probable, but it cannot be provod 7