JULY, 1917)
my reading of the Puranic data with regard to the historical position and date of Kalki. The Jaina Society called the Bharatiya Jaina-Siddhanata Prakasini Samstha published last December (1916) & Hindi translation of the Jaina Hari-Vamsa Purana at Mr. Vasu's Visvakosha Press, Caloutta. The author of this Purâna, Jinasena-sûri, a Digambara of the Punnaga-gaņa or Sangha, 18 and the pupil of Kirti-sena, dates his work in the year 705 of the Saka era, 10 while king Indrayudha was ruling in the North, Sri Vallabha in the South, Vatsaraja at Avanti and the victorious Vira-Varâha in the Sarya-mandala. The mention of these contemporary kings leaves no doubt as to the correctness of the date 705 Saka as found in the MS.20 The work therefore is of the definite date of 783-784 A.D.
Jinasena, in his work, gives a chronology since the death of the Maha-vîra on the authority of Jaina chronologists (Kalavidbhir-udáhritam). This chronology covers details for 990 years. The last king in the chronology is Ajitañjaya of Indrapura (Indore ?) and the one before him is King Kalki (Kalki-raja). The years for Kalki and Ajitañjaya are not given, but King Kalkî is placed after dynastic totals which aggregate to 990 years.21 But in another place, abont 50 verses later, Jinasena says (60. 552-53) that Kalki flourished 1000 years after the Maha-vira and that he was a terrible persecutor of the Jain religion. According to the Kalki-Purana one of Kalki's chief missions was to suppress Jainism. Thus the identity of the Puranic and the Jaina Kalkî is established. And he, according to the Jaina chronologists of the 8th century of the Christian era, lived 1000 years after the Maha-vira.21
Jinasena's date for Kalki agrees with Puranas. Now Jinasena's date of the Maha-vîra's Nirvana differs a little from that given by the Pattavalis. He places it 605 years before the Saka king, or 605 years before the Saka
18 He is not tho same as Jiaa sena the author of the Adi Purana, for the latter belonged to the SenaSangh. This has been pointed out by Pandit Nathuram.Seo Mr. Vasu's Introduction, p. 8.
19 OTRZET una trh H I Cretesruarê TUTTfit org | 66:53. Introduction by Mr. Vasu, p. 8.
20 Introduction to the translation of the Hari-Vam sa by Mr. Vasu, p. 11. 21 Ch. 60. 488-93.
effiua Gastro लोकेऽवन्ति सुतोराजा प्रजानां प्रतिपालकः॥ षष्ठिवर्षाणि तद्राग्यं ततो विजयभूभुजाम् । शतं च पञ्च पश्चाशत् वर्षाणि तदुदीरितम् ।।
TRITT 960171 3 ufuzna 11 शिनु पुष्पमित्राणां पष्ठिर्वस्वमिमित्रयोः॥
ayari TT 8(1)() : 1 चत्वारिंशसतो हास्यां चत्वारिंशच्छतव्यम् ॥
TATUET FÅ Tari TTT एकविशंच वर्षाणि कालविद्विरुवाहतम् ।। विचत्वारिंशदेवातः कल्किराजस्य राजता ।
ततोऽजितश्वबो राजा स्वादिंद्रपुरमंस्थितः॥ My friend Babu Nanigopal Majumdar draws my attention to wr. Pathak's quotetion, ante, Vol. XV. p.141. There we find the reading मुरुण्डानां instead of पुरुढांना, भावाणस्य for भावाणस्वd एकर्षिश for you. The latter thus gives details for 1000 years.