Book Title: Indian Antiquary Vol 46
Author(s): Richard Carnac Temple, Devadatta Ramkrishna Bhandarkar
Publisher: Swati Publications

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Page 404
________________ 56 THE INDIAN ANTIQUARY Saranghur, or of that image which is known lappen to hear him are transformed into as 'Bhid.bhanjan,' is sufficient to drive out hijadas (eunuchs)." evil spirits from the bodies of possessed Oil which has been poured over the image persons. The same virtue is attributed to of Hanuman and caught in a vessel is called the images of Hanuman at Bhurakhin, near naman. It is sometimes carried in a ratki Lathioad at Sariam, near Dhrangadhrn, a small metal cup) and is burnt to produce in Jhalavar," Kathinwar." antjan (i, e., soot used as collyrium). This There are certain peculiar conjunctious of anjan is believed to improve the eyesight, planets, which if they appear in a person's and to protect a person from the influence horoscope, always bring him misfortunes of evil spirits. There is a saying in In such circunstances, the person is said to Gujnräti that Kõli.chaudasno anjyo, ane koine be under the influence of panoti.* Such na jay ganjio'. i. e., a person using anjan on influence Insts for a period varying from one Kalichaudas day ennnot be foiled by anyone. year to seven years and a half. When of the days of the week, Saturday is the the planet Shani (Saturn) enters the 1st, most suitable for the worship of Hanuman. 11th, or the 12th rishi in relation to n per- Of all offerings, that of red lend and oil is son, the latter is said to be affected by the most acceptable to him. When Hanusādāsäti-panoti, i.e., panoti extending over man was carrying the Drona mountain to soven years and a half. The panoti the battlefield before Lanka, he was woundenters the life of such a person with feeted in the leg by an arrow from Bharata, either of gold, silver, copper or iron : and in the brother of Rama. The wound was most cases the result is disastrous. If the healed by the application of red lead and panoti affects the head of a person, he loses oil, and hence his predilection for these his wits; if it affects the heart, it takes things. It is also said that after the away his wealth ; when it affects the feet,. it death of Ravana and at the time of the brings bodily ailments. In order to counter coronntion of Bibhishana, Rāma distributed act the evil effects of panoti, people prizes to all his monkey followers, when worship Hanuman as tlie god who crushed nothing was left for Hanuman except red the malignant goddess Panoti under bis feet. lead nnd oil. On Saturday's red lead ond oil, adad, molas- Mostly Inkada flowers are used in worses are offered to the image of the god, shipping Hanuman, but sometimes Karan Frankincense is burnt, a lamp is liglited, flowers also are niade to serve the purpose. ? and a wreath of ankadă flowers is sometimes The favourite dishes of Hanuman are dedicated. A fast is observed on such maliddāt, chuiramät and radā The usual days; and sometimes the services of n nairedya is malidda of Sarapäti, i.e.. of Brahman are engaged to recite verscs in wheat weighing about six pounds and a honour of the god." quarter and radani There is a belief that Hanuman cries out Bhima the second of the Pandavas was once in twelve years, and those men who begotten from Kunti by Váyu, the god of The Schoolmaster of Songadh. * The Schoolmaster of Ganod, · The Schoolmaster of Jodia, The Schoolmaster of Sanka. 5 The Schoolmaster of Dadvi. • K. 1). Desai. + The Schoolmaster of Rajpara. • The ponoti cannot affect anybody who has an elder male relative living. i. e., ít influences only the eldest male member of a family.-K. D. Desai. 1 A sweet preparation of wheat flour fried in ghi. Sweet balls of wheat flour fried and afterwards soaked in ghi. $ Small biscuit-sized cakes of pulse flour treated with spices and fried in oil-K. D. Desai


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