Book Title: Indian Antiquary Vol 46
Author(s): Richard Carnac Temple, Devadatta Ramkrishna Bhandarkar
Publisher: Swati Publications
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The cow, the she-goat, the horse, the deer, peacock, the Tilad or singing sparrow the goose, the Nàg or snake, the cagle, the elephant and the male monkey are believed to be sacred by all Hindus. Of these, the greatest sanctity attaches to the cow. Her urine is sipped for the atonement of sins. The cow is also revered by the Parsis,1
The mouth of the she-goat and the smell of the horse are considered sacred.1
An elephant is considered sacred, because when the head of Ganpati was chopped off Ly Shiva, the head of an elephant was joined to his trunk,2
The peacock is considered sacred on account of its being the conveyance of Sarasvati, the goddess of learning.2
A male monkey is held holy, because it is supposed to represent the monkey god Màruti,2
Some sanctity attaches to the rat also, as it is the conveyance of the god Ganpati. He is called Mama or maternal uncle by the Hindus.3
The Shravaks abstain from the suran. (Elephant foot), potatoes and roots that grow underground, 10
Mahomedans abstain from the suran, because "su" the first letter of the word Suran is also the first letter of their taboo'd animal the pig.11
1 The School Master of Dhank.
The School Master of Mota Devalia. The School Master of Kotda Sangani. 7 The School Master of Zinzuvàda. The School Master of Patanvàv.
There are somedeities associated with the worship of animals. These animals, with the deities with whom they are connected, are given below.
1. Pothio or the bull is believed to be the vehicle of god Shiva. In all temples of Shiva its image is installed, facing the image of Shiva in the centre of the temple.
2. Sinha or the lion is believed to be the vehicle of Parvati, the consort of Shiva. The lion is also connected with the demon planet
The pig is held taboo by the Musalmans. Brahmans, Baniàs, Bhàtiàs, Kunbis, Sutàrs and Darjis abstain from flesh and liquor.
Some Bràhmans and Baniàs do not eat
tàdiàs (frait of the palm tree) as they look the god Vishnu. like human eyes."
Some Brahmans abstain from garlic and onions. Some do not eat Kodra (punctured millet).7
3. Hansa the goose is associated with Brahma the creator.
4. Gadhedo the ass is believed to be connected with Shitala, the goddess of small pox. 5. Undar the mouse is the conveyance of Ganpati.
6. Mor the peacock is the conveyance of Sarasvati, the goddess of learning. The peacock is also associated with Kartik Swami. 7. Garud the eagle is the conveyance of
8. Pàdo the male buffalo is the conveyance of Devis or goddesses.
9. Ghodo the horse is the conveyance of the Sun. The horse is also associated with the planet Guru or Jupiter and Shukra or Venus.
The masur (Lentil) pulse is not eaten by Brahmans and Baniàs, because, when cooked, it looks red like blood.8
10. Mrig the deer is supposed to be the The Humbad Baniàs do not eat whey, milk, conveyance of the Moon as well as of Mangal curdled milk and clarified butter.
or Mars.
2 The School Master of Todia.
The School Master of Kotda Sangani.
The School Master of Vanod.
8 The School Master of Songadh. 10 The School Master of Vala.
11 The School Master of Songadh.